Reflection about the Occupy Wall Street .

Reflection about the Occupy Wall Street
It was on September17,in 2011 that a demonstration, named occupy wall street, broke out in New York,America.Thousands of demonstrators gathered in Manhattan trying to occupy the wall street .They bellowed out the slogan that we are the 99%,showing their dissatisfaction with the imbalanced distribution of the social wealth.What surprised us was that within one month ,the similar demonstrations occuerred in more than 600 communities in America and over 900 cities throughout the world.However,why did the demonstrtions spread so fast ?
In my opinion ,the root of the movemment is at the inner contradiction of the capitalism.Most of the capital goods are possessed by few capitalists,who just account for 1% of the whole population .They control the market and accumulate 99% of all the social wealth .Thus,the rest ordinary people become relatively poor.With the economic crisis breaking out ,the poor lost their jobs and bocame homeless.They could not bear the control of the rich any longer,deciding to something to heal the sickness of the American political system through peaceful means.
Secondly,the financial services sectors were rather greedy and corrupt .They advocated that the market-oriented economy had the ability of self adjusting and the government should not intervene the market too much.Afterwards,they stimulated consumption by providing a loan to people to buy houses and cars without investigating the credit of the craditors,which results in the economic crisis .It was the economic crisis that directly led to the movement.
In addition, closely connected with the finance,the government serve for the interest of the capitalists,paying little attention to the common people.They lacked strongly supervise to the market and turned a bilnd eye to the crazy behaviors of the capitalists.,which deeply disappointed the residents.
Of course,there are many other reasons for the demonstrations.In a word ,they all indicate that there are something wrong with the political system of the capitalism.The government should take some effctive measures to deal with the problems, instead of ignoring them.Altogether, I hope that they can solve the problems peacefully,because the world can not bear conflicts any more.

good theme with few betterables:

one month ,the similar demonstrations ----the is unneeded
at the inner contradiction of the capitalism -----at ,the both are superfluous
deciding to something ----do needed?
They lacked strongly supervise to the market ---They failed to strongly supervise the market