你像一条大河,静静地流淌着,述说着岁月的沧桑,哺育着我们成长,风雨如洪,却冲不垮你钢铁般的意志,征战如火,却焚不毁你金子般的灵魂。你就是我深爱着的祖国。千百次,我庄严地站在五星熠熠的红旗下,热血澎湃地唱着国歌时,我多想告诉你:我爱你中国!我爱你中国!从巍峨的高山到莽莽的森林,从奔腾的江河到辽阔的原野。是五千年前那跃起的巨龙,铸就了东方绚烂的颜色。我爱你中国!从一夜崛起的深圳到东方明珠上海,从国际金融中心香港到文化底蕴深厚的北京。当下,一抹中国红,引领了世界的潮流,我知道,那是你复兴的前奏,那是你闪放的魅力。我爱你中国!因为我身上流淌的是红色的血液,我胸中跳动的是红色的心,我要发自肺腑的祝福你:祝伟大祖国繁荣昌盛,祝祖国的明天会更好。          意思有了就行  翻得困难的地方可以近义词换

You are like a river, flowing quietly, tell of years of vicissitudes of life, with our feeding growth such as flood, storm, but does not kill you iron will, in the fire burning, but not to ruin your gold soul. You are my deep love of the motherland. A thousand times, I stood solemnly in the five-star sparkling red flag, the blood of my singing the national anthem, how I want to tell you: I love you china! I love you china! From majestic mountains to the vast forests, from the Pentium river to the vast fields. It is thousand years ago that leaping dragon, created the eastern gorgeous color. I love you china! From the night of Shenzhen rising to the Oriental Pearl Tower in Shanghai, from the international financial center in Hongkong to the profound cultural background of Beijing. At present, a Chinese red, to lead the trend of the world, I know, it is your Rejuvenation of the prelude, is that your Flash placed charm. I love you china! Because of my body flowing red blood, my heart beating is a red heart, I be heartfelt blessing: wish you great motherland thriving and prosperous, wish our motherland will be better tomorrow. You are on the line over the difficult place to change


第1个回答  2011-10-27

第2个回答  2011-10-30