

nucle- 双语例句
1. I have to pay a New Years call to my nucle today.
2. The use of nucle教案ar weapons is a horrible threat to the species.
3. The sequences of 5'and 3'terminal nucle...
4. Periods of site selection, constructio n and trial operation of new -type r eactor nucle arpower plants.
5. The positive signals were chiefly distributed in the nucleˉuses.
6. KPMG样题 The big economic difference between nuclear and fossil-fuelled power stations is that nucle...
7. To access the role of the central nucleus of the amygdala in the gustatory activity in the pontine parabrachial nucle us, the responses to four prototypical taste stimuli in the PBN were observed before and after bilateral electrolytic lesion of the CeA in the urethane-anesthetized rat.
8. The results showed: FG retrogradely labelled cells, FOS-like immunor eaction(FOS-L1) single labelled cells and FG/FOS double labelled neurones were found in the periaqueductal gray, dorsal raphe nucleus, linear nucle us raphe and nucleus raphe magnus.
在这四个核团中,双标细胞数分别占荧光金逆标神经元数的25%、11.7%、8.9%和12 。1%。
9. In chapter 4, we present a static model which relate the nucle-ar equation of state.
10. Beyond those killed and wounded, one victim certainly looks to be the gradually improving peace process between India and Pakistan, nucle-ar-armed rivals who have fought three major wars between them.
11. Many factors affecting cell nucle ation and cell growth among the extrusion process such as preshaping pressure, melt temperature, melt viscosity, interfa cial tension, take-up speed and the te.
12. The magnitude sequence of the factors that have effects on ONB (Onset of Nucle- ate Boiling) of nature circulation are confirmed as the heating power, inlet quality, liquid temperature, mass flow and pressure.
13. To understand the relationship of neurotransmitter between the striatum and limbic system such as amygdaloid nucle-us and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. 30 male Sprague Dawley rats were used.
14. AFTER GROWING UP The grain growth and elongation in the tension direction during deformation may promote cavity nucle-ation.
15. This showed that it would be possible to use the micronuclei occuring in nucle-ated erythrocytes in peripheral blood of fish as a new biological index for monitoring pollution of water.
16. Based on the experimental results, it is suggested that at the early stage the synthesis of akaganeite and hematite samples involves the hydrolysis of ferric chloride to promote nucle-ation in the presence of TPA and subsequently experiences the coordination-assisted growth guided by the ligand of TPA.
17. TEM illustrated ultrastructural features of apoptotic SMC: nucle ar and cytoplasm condensation, and the condensed chromatin formed crescents.
18. We have found the following three points: (1) There is no acceleration stage in initial preiod of polymerization, i. e., no nucle - ation stage.
19. Don't forget to say greeting to nucle Wang.
20. He purpose of this study was to investigate the diagnostic value of silver-stained nucle - olar organizer regions (AgNORs) in benign and malignant ascites. AgNORs were studied with quantitative methods in 54 cases, including benign ascites (28) and malignant ascites (26).