
请帮忙根据以下的情景回一段英文E-mail...要商务一点的 ..一定要语气委婉点啊...谢谢啦...
客人要求我们帮他做事...做这件事我们本来需要收他钱的. .可是他再三说服我们..我们也只好帮他做了..

Re your below email. Please can you help us this time to absorb the costs
of these samples?

We are requesting these samples from you for our creative studio to design
onto. So when we present our new designs to our customers they are
representative of actual colours that can be produced in production. This
should save time for you when you receive job bags as you will not need to
do any further colour matching. As this request will ultimately be of
benefit to both of us, I would very much appreciate it if you can waive the
costs for this sample run?

I look forward to hearing from you.


Dear Sir/Madam,

Due to our sound cooperation, we hereby accept your requirments to absorb the costs of these samples.

As you may know, we have to pay to our suppliers for these samples, but we will do this for you for free with the consideration of our further cooperation. However, this is a break of our conventions and here, we are looking for your understanding that we would not provide this support next time.

All these will be fulfilled on September.

Best regard.

Your Sincerely

第1个回答  2007-08-17
The visitor requests us to help him to work.. Makes this matter weoriginally to need to receive his money But he convinces us over andover. We also had to help him to do..
(Must explain reason). Because this matter certainly is notour company does.. We make this also to have to pay money to othercompanies. We must tell him only this Next is not the example..Hoped he can understand...
The matter in probably in September will complete to him...