高分 帮忙翻译成一段英语

由于考试需要,老师叫我们自己写一段话,题目是 幸运的一天 要求说出来话不超过2分钟,下面是我自己想的中文,请各位高手帮忙翻译成英文。如有部分语句不好翻译的,可以灵活变通,谢谢。。

Today's my lucky day. I rushed out early in the morning and found my student card missing when I was already on the school bus, without the card I will not be allowed to go into the exam room.But the driver was very nice, when I explained to him the situaton, he drove me back to my dorm, so that I could get my student card and attended the exam in time. I really appreciated his help, and because of that I felt today's my lucky day.
第1个回答  2008-12-15
Today is my lucky day, due to go out this morning rush and all of a sudden in the last school board found that I forgot to bring the student ID (or student card), I can not make it into the examination room for examination, but the drivers were very good , I explain the situation to him, he brings me back to the hostel, so I get a student ID (or student card), the time I took part in the examination, I am very grateful to him, so I think this is my Fortunately, one day.
第2个回答  2008-12-15
Today is my lucky day, because this morning anxious to go out, go to the school board found that all of a sudden I forgot to bring student ID (or student card), I can not make it into the examination room, but the drivers were good, I explain the situation He brings me back to the hostel, so I get a student ID (or student card), let me take the examination of the time, I am very grateful to him, so I think today was my lucky day.
第3个回答  2008-12-15
Today is a lucky day for me.I went out for examination hurrily this morning. Suddenly, I found that I have left my ID card at home on the way school which will cause my not entering the examination room.However, the bus driver is so kind that bring me back to my domitory and fetch my ID card after I explained what happened. Last, I took the exam on time.I appreciated what the driver has done to me, so I think today is a lucky dao for me.