

1. ORIGIN The Qing Ming Festival traces its roots to the story of Jie Zi Zhui, a loyal servant who saved his lord's life in ancient China. When the lord ascended the throne, Jie preferred a life of simplicity with his mother over any reward.
2. LEGEND According to legend, Jie saved his lord by offering a part of his own leg when the lord was starving. Later, when the lord became a ruler, he sought to honor Jie, but Jie declined and chose to live as a hermit.
3. TRAGEDY The lord, in an attempt to locate Jie, ordered the mountains to be burned. Tragically, Jie remained loyal and was eventually burnt alive. To commemorate Jie's unwavering loyalty, the lord decreed that no fires should be lit on the day of Jie's death, giving rise to the "Cold Food Festival."
4. COLD FOOD FESTIVAL The Cold Food Festival falls on the eve of Qing Ming and is considered a precursor to the Qing Ming Festival. Over time, Qing Ming has come to replace the Cold Food Festival. Regardless of the specific customs, the essence of Qing Ming is to honor ancestors by visiting their graves, ashes, or ancestral tablets, and to share tales like that of Jie Zi Zhui, highlighting his resolve and bravery.
5. MODERN CELEBRATION In contemporary times, the Qing Ming Festival is observed by visiting graves, cleaning tombstones, and paying homage to ancestors. It is also a time for family reunions and contemplation of the lives and legacies of departed loved ones, while reflecting on the spirit of loyalty and integrity exemplified by such figures as Jie Zi Zhui.