
金融时报的原句"Staff with a bit of slack use their spare time to rethink how they do their jobs—a practice known as "task—crafting"—carry out more creative activities and contribute to the smooth running of their organization",在这个句子中,"carry out more creative activities and contribute to the smooth running of their organization"是作为句子的什么成分呀?


〔主语〕Staff with a bit of slack (有些不太活跃的职员)
〔谓语动词〕use (利用)
〔宾语〕their spare time (业余时间)
〔目的状语〕to rethink how they do their jobs—a practice known as "task-crafting" (去重新考虑怎么样做他们自己的工作 —— 一种称之为 “苦差事巧做” 的业务活动)

后半段的主语是前文的 staff,其余是谓语部分,即:
the staff carry out more creative activities and contribute to the smooth running of their organization" (这些员工开展更多的创造性活动并推动他们团队工作的顺利运作)