急~~~~~~~~~~中秋吃月饼的由来 中英结合














中秋吃月饼,和端午吃粽子、元宵节吃汤圆一样,是我国民间的传统习俗。古往今来,人们把月饼当作吉祥、团圆的象征。每逢中秋,皓月当空,阖家团聚,品饼赏月,谈天说地,尽享天伦之乐。月饼,又称胡饼、宫饼、小饼、月团、团圆饼等,是古代中秋祭拜月神的供品,沿传下来,便形成了中秋吃月饼的习俗。月饼,在我国有着悠久的历史。据史料记载,早在殷、周时期,江、浙一带就有一种纪念太师闻仲的边薄心厚的“太师饼”,此乃我国月饼的“始祖”。汉代张骞出使西域时,引进芝麻、胡桃,为月饼的制作增添了辅料,这时便出现了以胡桃仁为馅的圆形饼,名曰“胡饼”。唐代,民间已有从事生产的饼师,京城长安也开始出现糕饼铺。据说,有一年中秋之夜,唐太宗和杨贵妃赏月吃胡饼时,唐太宗嫌“胡饼”名字不好听,杨贵妃仰望皎洁的明月,心潮澎湃,随口而出“月饼”,从此“月饼”的名称便在民间逐渐流传开。北宋皇家中秋节喜欢吃一种“宫饼”,民间俗称为“小饼”、“月团”。苏东坡有诗云:“小饼如嚼月,中有酥和怡。” 到了明代,中秋吃月饼才在民间逐渐流传。当时心灵手巧的饼师,把嫦娥奔月的神话故事作为食品艺术图案印在月饼上,使月饼成为更受人民青睐的中秋佳节的必备食品。 明代田汝成《西湖游览记》曰:“八月十五日谓中秋,民间以月饼相送,取团圆之意。”清代,月饼的制作工艺有了较大提高,品种也不断增加,供月月饼到处皆有。清代诗人袁景澜有一首颇长的《咏月饼诗》,其中有“入厨光夺霜,蒸釜气流液。揉搓细面尘,点缀胭脂迹。戚里相馈遗,节物无容忽……儿女坐团圆,杯盘散狼藉”等句,从月饼的制作、亲友间互赠月饼到设家宴及赏月,叙述无遗。















第1个回答  2010-09-24
月饼,原本是祭月时供品的一种,以后成为民间互相馈赠的礼品。《西湖游览志》称:“民间以月饼相馈,取团圆之义。”东坡以“小饼如嚼月,中有酥和饴”来赞誉月饼 。相传我国古代,帝王就有春天祭日、秋天祭月的礼制。在民间,每逢八月中秋,也有左右拜月或祭月的风俗。“八月十五月儿圆,中秋月饼香又甜”,这句名谚道出中 秋之夜城乡人民吃月饼的习俗。月饼最初是用来祭奉月神的祭品,后来人们逐渐把中秋赏月与品尝月饼,作为家人团圆的象征,慢慢月饼也就成了节日的礼品。

Moon cake symbolizes reunion, the Mid-Autumn Festival will eat the product. There are many stories about the origin of moon cake, but all the stories, the moon cake is to celebrate the victory of the food.
According to legend, Emperor in Tang dynasty years, the great general Li Jing in the Aug. 15 campaign against the Huns victorious, triumphant return. At that time, the Turpan business offering cake to the Tang emperor celebration party. Emperor Li Yuan took the gorgeous cake box, come up with a round cake, laughing that the air moon said: "The cake should be invited Hu toad." Having to eat cake and give the ministers.
Since then, the moon cake production more and more elegant. Su wrote a poem: "little cake, such as chewing on, there are cakes and jelly." Qing Guang Fu wrote: "full moon cake loaded peach meat, ice cream, cream sugar sweet puzzle."
Moon cake to today, a greater variety, taste different from place to place. One Beijing-style, Soviet-style, Cantonese, Chaozhou-style moon cake into five types of Chinese moon cake in. The rise in recent years, the fruit of Hainan moon cake, it is well received by consumers.

Rethinking leisure Qin, "Luo Wen noted," said Tang Xizong in the Mid-Autumn Festival to eat moon cake, taste, fun, and he heard the new scholars of Qujiang set to open wedding, they ordered the royal kitchen wrapped with a red moon cake class reward for new scholars who . This is the earliest we can see the records on the moon cake.

The Song dynasty, moon cake the "lotus", "Golden Flower", "Hibiscus" and so elegantly called, its production method is more clearly addressed. Has praised the poet Su Shi said, "little cakes, such as chewing on, in cakes and jelly," is crisp pastry, jelly is the sugar, its flavor sweet and Kami can imagine. Song after making moon cake not only pay attention to taste, but also a wide variety of cake surface design patterns and legends of the Moon. Cake surface pattern, initially about the first painting on paper and then paste in the cake surface, after the industry altogether with surface mold is on top of the moon cake.

Also with the full moon-shaped moon cake as a symbol of the full moon 15 happy, people treat it as a holiday food, with its festival month, giving family and friends with it. This is undoubtedly a Han Chinese ethnic Psychology.

Legend of the Yuan dynasty, the Yuan rulers fear of popular resistance to Mongolia, to send a soldier for every 10 surveillance, 10 can only use a kitchen knife, high-handed policy, the people unbearable, they give each other by Mid-Autumn Festival The moon cake machine, put in the moon cake in a Lawan, Lawan in wrapped in paper, paper written vows, the cake bottom also posted a piece of paper do suggest that this co-called anti-Fu China and Mongolia. Wenzhou area called this moon cake "3 Kam" homonym in local dialect means "kill tight."

This is probably outside the regular paste moon cake today, the origin of a piece of paper.

The traditional Mid-Autumn Festival for the Reunion, so there is poetry "loved ones during the festive season, wear cornel but one person" and other verses, that is, to the Mid-Autumn Festival, everyone looked forward to reunion. If someone in the field can come from overseas or the family reunion, the increasing feeling of longing, which is composed of family units in the community with the characteristics, the Mid-Autumn Festival is the concentrated expression of this feature.
Chinese history is an agricultural country, Mid-Autumn Festival Fruitful legitimate agricultural harvest season, so in rural areas using the "line-kui" worship of the vulgar, the so-called Mid-Autumn Festival to eat sweet potatoes, taro, both of which block root crops, its huge, round shape, the meaning of a symbol of good harvest and successful. The moon cake gift between friends and family, is also a symbol of dignity, the meaning of reunion.

Mid-Autumn Festival night, the family sitting around, bright, or on drinking, eating moon cake or tea to help spirited and talk eloquently, is also one of the pleasures of life. So, no moon to eat moon cake, moon cake is not a no Mid-Autumn Festival Mid-Autumn Festival and moon cake is so closely linked to essential. The origin of this custom of, there are different views.

It is said that Emperor in Tang Takenori years, the border bandit violated its border. Li Jing Shuai Shi war and victory, in the Mid-Autumn Festival triumph, celebrating the night inside and outside of Chang'an, the Tibetan people when offered cake celebration party, emperor remove the round moon laughed and said finger cake : "should be invited Hu toad cake." dispensed subsequent ministers of taste, eat moon cake moon was then the custom form. Second, that the Northern Mid-Autumn Festival to climb ascends the building when the first see the moon faster, and then on the ceremony held at worship, offerings are round cakes, according to "Yanjing remember moon cake," saying: "to for the moon cake, everywhere and recent large scale who I, the shape of painted moon toad, have completed the food offerings were. " This is the Mid-Autumn Song eat moon cake of custom.

Or that the Yuan dynasty, rulers adopted a "three domestic one dollar, five million for a food," the brutal rule of oppression and a loss for organizations, peasant uprising, a special big round cake, hidden inside the note, agreed on August 15 night uprising, the successful results of the uprising to overthrow the Yuan Dynasty the establishment of the Ming dynasty, after the custom of Mid-Autumn moon cake eating more popular.

In short, Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, moon and eating moon cake of custom, long time, ages and then continuously add new content to enrich the rich, traditional festivals, spread so far, as powerful as ever.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2019-08-13
月饼,最初起源于唐朝军队祝捷食品。唐高祖年间,大将军李靖征讨匈奴得胜,八月十五凯旋而归。 当时有人经商的吐鲁番人向唐朝皇帝献饼祝捷。高祖李渊接过华丽的饼盒,拿出圆饼,笑指空中明月说:“应将胡饼邀蟾蜍”。说完把饼分给群臣一起吃。
Mooncakes, originated from the Tang Dynasty military Zhujie food. During Gaozu's reign in Tang Dynasty, General Li Jing conquered the Huns and returned triumphantly on August 15.
At that time, some Turpan businessmen offered cakes to the Tang emperor. Gaozu Li Yuan took over the gorgeous cake box, took out the round cake, pointed to the bright moon in the sky with a smile and said, "Toad should be invited to Hucai." After that, they shared the cake with the ministers.
Moon cakes symbolize reunion and are a must for Mid-Autumn Festival. On Festival night, people also like to eat some fruits such as watermelons and fruits for reunion, wishing their families a happy, sweet and safe life.