

Johnny R.是一战成名,当时的版本是1.3,地图是AZTEC,即比赛进行20分钟,得分多者胜利。当时Johnny R.所在队名叫]n![Faculty,比赛中,Johhny.R那支出神入化的狙击枪震惊了世界,比赛中他的反应力和准确的判断力显示了他极强的CS功底。Johhny.R由此走上了世界顶尖选手的舞台。
2003年4月24日,Johnny R.迎来了代表国家队的第一场比赛。比赛中Johnny R.再次左右了全场比赛,表现十分抢眼,而他的AWP更是技惊四座,成了比赛中一大亮点,最终在欧洲国家杯中,最终以总比分34-14轻松战胜了匈牙利队。
CS1.3-CS1.4版本是Johnny R.最辉煌的一段时期,也正是在那个时候他得到了"世界第一狙王"的美誉。曾经有人问他你是否失败过,Johnny R.会自信的告诉你:不,我没有失败过,我只有发挥不好的时候。自信也许正是Johnny R.之所以成功的一个重要的因素。
随着1.5的版本升级让这个游戏更加突出整体,孤胆英雄的故事正在一个一个离我们远去,由于AWP超强的威力使得游戏公司不得不在众人的要求下改动了它的参数。Johnny R.也同样受到影响再难复昔日之勇。如今已经极少有人再去赞美他是最强的战士,曾经被视为奇迹的狙击枪也不再是那么独一无二,但是无论如何希望大家不要因此去嘲笑和侮辱他,因为他曾经影响了CS届一代又一代的人多少人为了痴狂,为他自豪。是的,Johnny R.将永远留在人们的心中。
Johnny R.扬名世界的USP有“12发子弹MP5”的美称,远距离爆头拿手好戏
第一代狙神是Johnny R.,可惜现在已经退役 但是没有人敢扛起第二代狙神的这个称呼。
很多人认为是版本的变迁削弱了狙击手的作用,也削弱了JR在比赛里的控制力, 任何一段传奇会有开始的时候,也会有结束的时候,但真正的传奇即使划上了句号,依然可以封存在人们的记忆深处。那一年,他是万千CS玩家心目中的神,如今他累了,选择了暂时离开,但是他的故事依然是很多人心目中的图腾,永远散发着激人前进的光芒。
秋天是一个容易让人伤感的季节,但这个时候请不要失落,如果你喜欢JR,只需要微笑着对他说声good luck,因为我相信他只是暂时离开,也许在不久后的将来,我们又会听到熟悉的狙击枪声,看到这个传奇的另一个起点。

He once had his own glory days, he had almost single-handedly would hold up an original unknown teams, he had conquered with unique crazy world, he had the gun with a sniper in CS history, leaving a deep wounds and that he had influenced a generation's understanding of this game, he can instant kill rivals in dust inside the cave, the five team members, he can within the crack shot in aztec of Kim's house, he has lightning reactions, he God's right hand, he can swap any of the second attack in the mirror in his goal, he could do anything, he had been rivals such evaluation: "As long as he holds AWP Dunshou a turning point, no one dare we There appears, because his screen is displayed +300. "
Johnny R. is a fame when the version is 1.3, the map is AZTEC, the race for 20 minutes, scores more were victories. Where the team was named Johnny R.] n! [Faculty, race, Johhny.R support superb sniper that shocked the world, the race of his power and sound judgment reaction showed his strong grounding in CS. Johhny.R thus embarked on the stage of the world's top players.
April 24, 2003, Johnny R. ushered in the national team's first game. Johnny R. match around the match will once again did a very eye-catching, and his AWP is sensational race has become a major bright spot, the final of the European Cup, the final score to 34-14 victory over the total the Hungarian team.
CS1.3-CS1.4 version of Johnny R. is the most brilliant period of time, it was at that time he received the "king of the world's first spy" in the world. Someone once asked him if you fail too, Johnny R. will be confident to tell you: No, I have not failed, I had only time to play bad. Johnny R. is perhaps the reason why confidence is an important factor in success.
With the 1.5 version upgrade make this game even more prominent as a whole, lone hero of the story is a one go away, because AWP super power makes the game companies have to request everyone to change its parameters. Johnny R. is also hard to be affected by the courage of complex past. Today, few people have been praising him go is the strongest fighter, once regarded as a miracle of sniper rifle is no longer so unique, but in any case that we should not therefore to ridicule and insult him, because he has affected the CS term How many generations of people for crazy people, proud of him. Yes, Johnny R. will always remain in people's hearts.
Johnny R. known to the world of the USP are "12 rounds of ammunition MP5" the reputation of long-range headshot champions
God is the first generation of spy Johnny R., unfortunately now retired, but no one dared to carry the spirit of this second generation of spy call.
Many people think that is a weakened version of the changes in the role of snipers, but also weakened the JR in the race in the control, a legend will start any time, there will be close, but the real legend even has concluded still be sealed in people's memories. That year, he is the God of the eyes of thousands of CS players, but now he was tired and chose to leave temporarily, but his story is still a totem of the eyes of many people, who always exudes a shock move light.
Autumn is a season, people get sad, but this time do not lost, if you like JR, he just smiled and say good luck, because I believe he was just a temporary leave, perhaps after the near future, we sniper shots will hear the familiar, another starting point to see this legendary.
第1个回答  2010-04-03
He had his own glory era, he was almost his forces will hold up a branch of the original anonymous team, he has used unique crazy conquered the world, he has used sniper gun in CS history along the left deep, he has influenced a generation of people's understanding of the game, he can dust in an instant kill opponent five players, he can in the must-see serving in aztec, he has lightning reaction, he is God's right hand, he could be seconds away any name appears in his attacks on targets in the mirror, he could do anything, he has been an opponent of such evaluation: "as long as he held the AWP dunshou in a turning point, we don't dare anyone there, because his screen displays + 300. ”
Johnny R. is a version of the MTI, at that time was 1.3, the map is AZTEC, that is, the race for 20 minutes, scoring more victory. At that time, the team name was Johnny R.] n! [Faculty, competition, Johhny.R that one superb sniper gun shocked the world, in his response and accurate judgment shows his strong CS skills. Johhny.R thus embarked on the world's top players of the stage.
In 2003, on 24 April, Johnny R. embarked on behalf of the national team's first game. Game Johnny R. around all the game again, very eye-catching, but his AWP is by surprise, four-seater, became a major attraction in the competition, the final in the European Nations Cup, the final total score of 34-14 easily defeated the Hungarian team.
Johnny R. CS1.3-CS1.4 version is the most brilliant period, it was at that time he won the world first sniper King ". Someone once asked him if you fail, Johnny R. be confident to tell you: no, I did not fail, I only play when times are good. Confident perhaps Johnny R. success a significant factor.
As the 1.5 version upgrade makes the game more prominent as a whole, leaves the story is a a receding, due to the power of the AWP Super allows game companies to the public at the request of the parameters changed it. Johnny R. also affected and irreducible mid section of the Yong. Today has been very few people go to praise him is the strongest Warrior, once regarded as a miracle of sniper rifle is no longer so unique, but in any case I hope you don't laugh and insulted him, because he has influenced the CS session of generations of people, how many people to go mad, as he is proud. Yes, Johnny R. will always stay in people's minds.
Johnny R. praises the world USP has "12 rounds of ammunition MP5" was long distance headshot passions first generation God spy is Johnny R., unfortunately, has now been retired but nobody would dare to take the second generation of the name of God spy.
Many people think that is the version of the change in the warlords sniper role also weakened the JR in game control, a legend will start when the time, but a true legend even has periods, they still can hold in their mind. That year, he was a multitude of CS players in the eyes of God, and now he is tired, chose to leave, but his story is still a lot of people in the eyes of Totem, always with shock people forward.
Autumn is an easy-to-sad season, but this time do not lose, if you like JR, just smiled on him say good luck, because I believe that he is only temporary leave, maybe in the near future, we will hear the familiar sniper firing, see this legendary another starting point.
第2个回答  2010-04-03
He had his own glory days once, he had almost single-handedly would hold up an original unknown teams,and he had conquered with unique crazy world, he had the gun with a sniper in CS history, leaving a deep wounds and that he had influenced a generation's understanding of this game, he can instant kill rivals in dust inside the cave, the five team members, he can within the crack shot in aztec of Kim's house, he has lightning reactions, he God's right hand, he can swap any of the second attack in the mirror in his goal, he could do anything, he had been rivals such evaluation: "As long as he holds AWP Dunshou a turning point, no one dare we There appears, because his screen is displayed +300. "
Johnny R. is a fame when the version is 1.3, the map is AZTEC, the race for 20 minutes, scores more were victories. Where the team was named Johnny R.] n! [Faculty, race, Johhny.R support superb sniper that shocked the world, the race of his power and sound judgment reaction showed his strong grounding in CS. Johhny.R thus embarked on the stage of the world's top players.
April 24, 2003, Johnny R. ushered in the national team's first game. Johnny R. match around the match will once again did a very eye-catching, and his AWP is sensational race has become a major bright spot, the final of the European Cup, the final score to 34-14 victory over the total the Hungarian team.
CS1.3-CS1.4 version of Johnny R. is the most brilliant period of time, it was at that time he received the "king of the world's first spy" in the world. Someone once asked him if you fail too, Johnny R. will be confident to tell you: No, I have not failed, I had only time to play bad. Johnny R. is perhaps the reason why confidence is an important factor in success.
With the 1.5 version upgrade make this game even more prominent as a whole, lone hero of the story is a one go away, because AWP super power makes the game companies have to request everyone to change its parameters. Johnny R. is also hard to be affected by the courage of complex past. Today, few people have been praising him go is the strongest fighter, once regarded as a miracle of sniper rifle is no longer so unique, but in any case that we should not therefore to ridicule and insult him, because he has affected the CS term How many generations of people for crazy people, proud of him. Yes, Johnny R. will always remain in people's hearts.
Johnny R. known to the world of the USP are "12 rounds of ammunition MP5" the reputation of long-range headshot champions
God is the first generation of spy Johnny R., unfortunately now retired, but no one dared to carry the spirit of this second generation of spy call.
Many people think that is a weakened version of the changes in the role of snipers, but also weakened the JR in the race in the control, a legend will start any time, there will be close, but the real legend even has concluded still be sealed in people's memories. That year, he is the God of the eyes of thousands of CS players, but now he was tired and chose to leave temporarily, but his story is still a totem of the eyes of many people, who always exudes a shock move light.
Autumn is a really sad season,many people get sad, but this time don't be mad, if you like JR, you just need to smile and say good luck, because I believe he was just a moment leave, maybe in the future,it's not long time ago we sniper shots will hear the familiar, another starting point to see this legendary.
第3个回答  2010-04-03
He once had his own glory days, he had almost single-handedly would hold up an original unknown teams, he had conquered with unique crazy world, he had the gun with a sniper in CS history, leaving a deep wounds and that he had influenced a generation's understanding of this game, he can instant kill rivals in dust inside the cave, the five team members, he can within the crack shot in aztec of Kim's house, he has lightning reactions, he God's right hand, he can swap any of the second attack in the mirror in his goal, he could do anything, he had been rivals such evaluation: "As long as he holds AWP Dunshou a turning point, no one dare we There appears, because his screen is displayed +300. "
Johnny R. is a fame when the version is 1.3, the map is AZTEC, the race for 20 minutes, scores more were victories. Where the team was named Johnny R.] n! [Faculty, race, Johhny.R support superb sniper that shocked the world, the race of his power and sound judgment reaction showed his strong grounding in CS. Johhny.R thus embarked on the stage of the world's top players.
April 24, 2003, Johnny R. ushered in the national team's first game. Johnny R. match around the match will once again did a very eye-catching, and his AWP is sensational race has become a major bright spot, the final of the European Cup, the final score to 34-14 victory over the total the Hungarian team.
CS1.3-CS1.4 version of Johnny R. is the most brilliant period of time, it was at that time he received the "king of the world's first spy" in the world. Someone once asked him if you fail too, Johnny R. will be confident to tell you: No, I have not failed, I had only time to play bad. Johnny R. is perhaps the reason why confidence is an important factor in success.
With the 1.5 version upgrade make this game even more prominent as a whole, lone hero of the story is a one go away, because AWP super power makes the game companies have to request everyone to change its parameters. Johnny R. is also hard to be affected by the courage of complex past. Today, few people have been praising him go is the strongest fighter, once regarded as a miracle of sniper rifle is no longer so unique, but in any case that we should not therefore to ridicule and insult him, because he has affected the CS term How many generations of people for crazy people, proud of him. Yes, Johnny R. will always remain in people's hearts.
Johnny R. known to the world of the USP are "12 rounds of ammunition MP5" the reputation of long-range headshot champions
God is the first generation of spy Johnny R., unfortunately now retired, but no one dared to carry the spirit of this second generation of spy call.
Many people think that is a weakened version of the changes in the role of snipers, but also weakened the JR in the race in the control, a legend will start any time, there will be close, but the real legend even has concluded still be sealed in people's memories. That year, he is the God of the eyes of thousands of CS players, but now he was tired and chose to leave temporarily, but his story is still a totem of the eyes of many people, who always exudes a shock move light.
Autumn is a season, people get sad, but this time do not lost, if you like JR, he just smiled and say good luck, because I believe he was just a temporary leave, perhaps after the near future, we sniper shots will hear the familiar, another starting point to see this legendary.

回答者: 412299230凌梦 - 四级 2010-4-3 10:53

He had his own glory days once, he had almost single-handedly would hold up an original unknown teams,and he had conquered with unique crazy world, he had the gun with a sniper in CS history, leaving a deep wounds and that he had influenced a generation's understanding of this game, he can instant kill rivals in dust inside the cave, the five team members, he can within the crack shot in aztec of Kim's house, he has lightning reactions, he God's right hand, he can swap any of the second attack in the mirror in his goal, he could do anything, he had been rivals such evaluation: "As long as he holds AWP Dunshou a turning point, no one dare we There appears, because his screen is displayed +300. "
Johnny R. is a fame when the version is 1.3, the map is AZTEC, the race for 20 minutes, scores more were victories. Where the team was named Johnny R.] n! [Faculty, race, Johhny.R support superb sniper that shocked the world, the race of his power and sound judgment reaction showed his strong grounding in CS. Johhny.R thus embarked on the stage of the world's top players.
April 24, 2003, Johnny R. ushered in the national team's first game. Johnny R. match around the match will once again did a very eye-catching, and his AWP is sensational race has become a major bright spot, the final of the European Cup, the final score to 34-14 victory over the total the Hungarian team.
CS1.3-CS1.4 version of Johnny R. is the most brilliant period of time, it was at that time he received the "king of the world's first spy" in the world. Someone once asked him if you fail too, Johnny R. will be confident to tell you: No, I have not failed, I had only time to play bad. Johnny R. is perhaps the reason why confidence is an important factor in success.
With the 1.5 version upgrade make this game even more prominent as a whole, lone hero of the story is a one go away, because AWP super power makes the game companies have to request everyone to change its parameters. Johnny R. is also hard to be affected by the courage of complex past. Today, few people have been praising him go is the strongest fighter, once regarded as a miracle of sniper rifle is no longer so unique, but in any case that we should not therefore to ridicule and insult him, because he has affected the CS term How many generations of people for crazy people, proud of him. Yes, Johnny R. will always remain in people's hearts.
Johnny R. known to the world of the USP are "12 rounds of ammunition MP5" the reputation of long-range headshot champions
God is the first generation of spy Johnny R., unfortunately now retired, but no one dared to carry the spirit of this second generation of spy call.
Many people think that is a weakened version of the changes in the role of snipers, but also weakened the JR in the race in the control, a legend will start any time, there will be close, but the real legend even has concluded still be sealed in people's memories. That year, he is the God of the eyes of thousands of CS players, but now he was tired and chose to leave temporarily, but his story is still a totem of the eyes of many people, who always exudes a shock move light.
Autumn is a really sad season,many people get sad, but this time don't be mad, if you like JR, you just need to smile and say good luck, because I believe he was just a moment leave, maybe in the future,it's not long time ago we sniper shots will hear the familiar, another starting point to see this legendary.