


On New Year's eve in England, the family must have wine in the bottle and meat in the cupboard.


They believe that if there is no wine and meat left, the next year will be poor.


In addition, Britain also popular New Year "well water" custom.


People strive to be the first to draw water, think that the first water is a happy person.



French people think that the weather on New Year's Day is a sign of the new year.


Easterly wind, fruits harvest year.


A harvest year of westerly winds, fishing and milking.


It's a windy and rainy year.


When the north wind blows, the harvest year falls short.



On New Year's Day, Spanish parents are especially "benevolent" and they will meet all the demands of their children.


They think that children's swearing, fighting and crying are bad omens.


Meanwhile, most Spaniards carry a gold or copper coin for good luck.



The first thing belgians do on New Year's day is pay New Year's greetings to their animals.


Go to the cow, sheep and pet cat and dog side, solemnly greet them: happy New Year.



The Germans climbed into their chairs just before midnight on New Year's Eve and jumped out of their chairs as soon as the bell rang.


And throw a heavy object behind the chair, in order to show off the disaster, jump into the New Year.


In addition, they will put some scales in their wallets, because scales are the mascot of the New Year, which indicates that money is rolling.



第1个回答  2014-02-07
德国的新年,钱包放鱼鳞 钟响跳椅子。庆祝时间前后有一周。这期间,家家户户都要摆上一棵枞树和可树,树叶间系满绢花,表示繁花如锦,春满人间。德国人在除夕午夜新年光临前一刻,爬到椅子上,钟声一响,他们就跳下椅子,并将一重物抛向椅背后,以示甩去祸患,跳入新年。孩子们组成乐队,穿上新衣服,拿着口琴和手风琴,列队在街上吹奏。成年人则手持彩旗,跟在后面呐喊唱歌,欢庆新年,德国的妇女在新年里要即兴表演家庭题材的喜剧小品。在德国的农村流传着一种过新年的风俗----“爬树比赛”,小伙子们顺着光秃秃的树比赛爬高,第一名被誉为“新年英雄”,以示步步高升。




















  登山寻幸福 见面揪耳朵。新年钟声敲响后,巴西人高举火把,蜂拥登山,他们争先恐后地寻找象征着幸福的金桦果,这个活动被称为“寻幸福”。据说,只有不畏艰险的人,才能找到这种罕见的果子。在乡村地区,新年期间还有一个独特的风俗习惯—————互相揪耳朵,人们在元旦见面时,会使劲揪住对方的耳朵,表示祝福。

  法国新年:喝光家藏酒 风向卜年景

  喝光家藏酒 风向卜年景。










  缅甸——泼水嬉戏 泰国——抬着“宋干女神”游行

  柬埔寨——堆沙丘祝丰收 尼泊尔——朝拜神像

  菲律宾——纪念民族英雄 日本——敲钟一百零八下

  新加坡——走亲访友 韩国——放风筝玩跳板

  印度尼西亚——检查过错、请求原谅 埃尼日利亚——洗澡戏水

  塞俄比亚——燃篝火庆丰收 坦桑尼亚——驱散妖魔 祈求幸福

  苏丹——老年跳舞 青年唱歌 埃及——“涨水新年”

  法国——从一天看一年 保加利亚:堆雪塔迎新年

  美国—烧旧物狂歌 意大利——摔摔打打过新年


  德国——“跳进新年” 西班牙——吃十二颗葡萄


  加拿大——筑雪墙挡妖魔 英国——预测命运的“第一只脚”

  智利——通宵歌舞 巴西——进山寻果

  阿根廷——“花海”沐浴 巴拉圭——冷餐五天

  印度尼西亚人吃石榴以示吉祥 泰国大象泼水祝贺新年






  我英语不怎么样~~~嘿嘿 只能抛砖引玉喽~追问




第2个回答  推荐于2017-09-20
  Thailand's traditional new year, namely "Songkran" Song ("dry" is Sanskrit
  Transliteration), also called the "Water Splashing Festival", is the Gregorian calendar to April 13th each year
  16 days. In the festival, people carried or used to carry a huge statue of buddha,
  The Buddha behind a car floats, the car stood in make-up "Song Gannv
  God ", the young men and women gathering in crowds and groups dressed in colorful national costumes,
  Knocking on the drum, now singing, now dancing. Along the path of the procession, the good
  Men and women to walk, with a silver bowl filled with leaves soaked, permeability
  Flavored water, spilled to Buddha and the song "dry goddess", pray for the new year
  Well, well, then people are watering, smile to long
  The generation of health and longevity, I wish friends and family, the new year, unmarried young men and women, the use of
  It expressed their love to each other. Thailand people on the first day of the new year
  Put a basin of water in the window, the door end, each and every family to the suburbs
  River to carry out new year bath. To celebrate the new year, the Thailand people held in the scale
  The "Game Conference", content: people like tug of war, jump like pick up objects, such as cross
  Human body, elephant football match, ancient elephant array performance, etc.. Very exciting.
  Egypt is an ancient country, 40 BC, the Egyptians will be able to observe the stars
  Like, they found that Sirius and the sun rises, the Nile water immediately
  Rise In Egypt, the Nile flooded this day as the start of the new year. Said
  "Rising new year" Egypt croute people at the door to greet the new year, a
  Zhang Zhuozi, seven or eight plates for soybeans, beans, alfalfa and wheat.
  There are many particles, green shoots, the symbol of abundance. To God
  The more things you have, the more you will harvest. Egypt's new year in autumn,
  Agricultural production in Egypt is the beginning of autumn.
  Germany's new year, a week before the celebration. During this period, families
  The user must be put on a tree and tree, leaves full of silk flower that flowers,
  Such as Kam, spring is all over the human world. German New Year's visit to the front of the new year's Eve, climb
  When the bell rang, they jumped out of the chair and threw a heavy load.
  The back of a chair, to show their rejection to the scourge, jumped into the new year. Children form a band, wear
  On new clothes, holding a harmonica and accordion, playing in the street parade. Adult
  Holding banners, shouting behind them singing, celebrating the new year, the German women
  In the new year, the family theme of the comedy comedy. In Germany
  There is a kind of New Year customs ---- "climbing contest", the boys Shun
  A bare tree climbing competition, first known as the "new hero", to
  Shown to be promoted step by step.
  India from October 31st each year for the new year, a total of 5 days, fourth days for new year's day.
  On the first day of the new year, no one is allowed to be angry, but not to lose his temper. India
  The area, new year's morning, each and every family constantly crying, everybody's face tears cross
  They flow, time goes by, life is short, cry to the new year, is on
  Students lament. Some areas of the people to fasting day and night to welcome the new one
  In the early hours of new year's day until midnight. Because of this strange custom,
  India's new year's Day is known as the "crying New Year", "fasting"". India
  On the 5 day before the country should have the Spring Festival, India epic "Ramayana",
  (of the parade), the hero of the epic poem and the paper giant "fight",
  "Hero" is a bit of a burning arrow, and the giant is in the audience's cheers.
  The fire burned, on New Year's Eve, each and every family in front of the door are posted on a variety of exquisite pictures.
  New year's morning, people put forward to refining the lights, with a red packet, go out to the old
  People and friends pay New Year's call. Congratulate each other after the meeting, the amount of pink painted each other
  On seeing happiness, Good luck and happiness to you! Said. The young man put the red ink into the water
  In the shooting, to relatives and friends who, called "Holi", said Good luck and happiness to you. India
  Young people like to be in a new year, whether familiar or not, to meet with unarmed combat. Gather and watch
  Who will applaud the prestige, often become the object of pursuit of the girl. Indigenous India
  The national Bo Hiller, to celebrate the new year, in the game field to erect a smooth rough
  Big woods, there is a rod filled with Gift Pouches, girls holding bamboo grass
  Rod to obstruct the little boy to climb to the pole, the boys are under the bar
  In a circle, to defense girls in the climbing pole of the attack, who won the pole climbing until
  Have pouch victory so far.