

第1个回答  2023-09-13


1、岳阳楼在洞庭之上,吴楚之会的地方。 Translation: Yueyang Tower stands above Dongting Lake, where the borders of Wu and Chu meet。

2、野望从来多奇壮,不下丘樊一篑间。 Translation: Ambitions have always been grand and extraordinary, never confined to a small plot of land like Qiu Fu's。

3、落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色。 Translation: The setting sun and solitary ducks fly together, as the autumn water blends with the boundless sky。

4、渔舟唱晚,响穷彭蠡之滨。 Translation: Fishing boats sing in the evening, their echoes resounding along the banks of Pengli Lake。

5、雁阵惊寒,声断衡阳之浦。 Translation: The formation of geese is disrupted by the cold, their calls fading away on the shores of Hengyang。

6、道是无晴却有晴,仿佛云开见月明。 Translation: Although it appears there is no clear sky, suddenly the clouds part, revealing a bright moon。

7、岳阳楼台地势险,全为此地最高峰。 Translation: Yueyang Tower is perched on a treacherous land, the highest peak in this region。

8、相峦虽小,险峻弥高。 Translation: Though the hills are small, they are steep and towering。

9、自上方窥下方,各为互市的兵器。 Translation: Looking down from above, one can see various weapons of war being traded。

10、论者天地之正,或不如滔滔江水。 Translation: In terms of vastness, the heavens and the earth may not compare to the surging river water。

11、少陵野老无策悲,颔镜之叟何曾哀? Translation: The old man of Shaoling, with no strategy, laments in sorrow, but the elder with a hand on his chin never mourns。

12、吾生也有涯,而知也无涯。 Translation: My life has its limits, but knowledge knows no bounds。

13、篇幅既短,意境却广。 Translation: Although the text is concise, the artistic conception is vast。

14、足以演绎岳阳楼的宏伟壮丽。 Translation: It is enough to depict the grandeur and magnificence of Yueyang Tower。

15、诗家清话,吾岳阳楼记也。 Translation: With poetical and refined language, I write this account of Yueyang Tower。



