
The first step in planning any vacation is deciding when and where you are going.
A. If you are going to a faraway place and want more quality time at your vacation destination(目的地), you may consider flying. If you enjoy the trip as much as the destination, going by train is also a good choice.
B. Consider the climate at your vacation destination. Even if you travel to a warm destination, always bring at least one piece of warm clothing and a light jacket in case(以防)the temperature drops unexpectedly.
C. Once you have decided where to go, the next step to decide is how to get there. This really depends on how far from home you are going and how much time you are taking.
D. When you know where you are going and how you are getting there, start making all of the necessary reservations(预订). If you reserve airline tickets and hotels early, they are usually cheaper.
E. Before the trip, make sure that everything is in order. Now is the time to talk to neighbors of family members about collecting your mail.
The day before you leave, make sure that all of your bags are packed and that you have everything you need.

The first step in planning any vacation is deciding when and where you are going.在规划任何假期的第一步是决定什么时候和你去哪儿。
A. If you are going to a faraway place and want more quality time at your vacation destination(目的地), you may consider flying.答:如果你是去一个遥远的地方,并在您的度假胜地(目的地)希望有更多美好时光,你可以考虑飞行。 If you enjoy the trip as much as the destination, going by train is also a good choice.如果你喜欢的多达目标,火车去也是一个不错的选择之旅。
B. Consider the climate at your vacation destination.二考虑在您的度假胜地的气候。 Even if you travel to a warm destination, always bring at least one piece of warm clothing and a light jacket in case(以防)the temperature drops unexpectedly.即使您的旅行目的地的温暖,也总是带来至少有御寒衣物,并在案件(以防)气温下降薄外套一件意外。
C. Once you have decided where to go, the next step to decide is how to get there.长一旦你决定去哪里,下一步决定是如何到达那里。 This really depends on how far from home you are going and how much time you are taking.这确实取决于如何远离家乡的你要多少时间你正在服用。
D. When you know where you are going and how you are getting there, start making all of the necessary reservations(预订). d.当你知道你要去哪里以及你将如何到达那里,开始制造的(预订)有必要保留。 If you reserve airline tickets and hotels early, they are usually cheaper.如果您保留机票和酒店的早,他们通常会更便宜。
E. Before the trip, make sure that everything is in order.前行大肠杆菌,确保一切正常。 Now is the time to talk to neighbors of family members about collecting your mail.现在是时候谈谈您的邮件收集到家庭成员的邻居。
The day before you leave, make sure that all of your bags are packed and that you have everything you need.前一天你离开,请确保您的行李都装上,你有你需要的一切。
第1个回答  2010-01-23
A 如果你是要去一个很远的地方并且想把较少的时间浪费在旅途中,坐飞机是个很好的选择。如果你也愿意欣赏沿途的美景,火车就相当不错。
B 要留意你要旅行去地方的气候,即使你是要去一个叫温暖的地方旅行,也要至少带一件较厚的衣服和一件比较轻的夹克以防当地急剧的降温。
C 一旦决定了去哪里之后,下一步就是决定怎么去。这很大程度上取决于那儿离你家多远和你打算花多少时间
D 去哪和怎么去都想好之后,要开始做所有那些预定工作了。提前较早订飞机票和旅馆通常可以享受优惠。
E 在出行之前,确保所有事安排有序了。这时候就是要嘱咐你家庭成员的邻居帮忙收下邮件。

第2个回答  2010-01-23
The first step in planning any vacation is deciding when and where you are going. 计划旅行的第一步是决定你在什么时候要去哪
A. If you are going to a faraway place and want more quality time at your vacation destination(目的地), you may consider flying. If you enjoy the trip as much as the destination, going by train is also a good choice. 如果你打算去一个比较远的地方,并且想在你假期的目的地渡过高质量的时光,你可能会考虑坐飞机去。如果你也想感受一下旅途中的愉悦,坐火车未尝不是一个好的选择。
B. Consider the climate at your vacation destination. Even if you travel to a warm destination, always bring at least one piece of warm clothing and a light jacket in case(以防)the temperature drops unexpectedly. 要考虑到你旅行目的地的气候状况。即使你要去一个暖和的地方,至少要带一件保暖的衣服和一个薄夹克,以防始料未及的气温骤降。
C. Once you have decided where to go, the next step to decide is how to get there. This really depends on how far from home you are going and how much time you are taking. 一旦你决定了要去哪,下一步就是决定怎么去(采取何种交通方式)。 这主要取决于你家离要去的地方多远还有你打算花费多少时间。
D. When you know where you are going and how you are getting there, start making all of the necessary reservations(预订). If you reserve airline tickets and hotels early, they are usually cheaper. 当你知道了你要去哪还有怎么去之后,就要开始进行所有必要的预订工作。如果你提前预订机票和宾馆,你可能会花更少的钱。
E. Before the trip, make sure that everything is in order. Now is the time to talk to neighbors of family members about collecting your mail. 在旅行前,你要确保所有的事情都在有序进行。现在是时候拜托邻居们帮你们收信件了。(离开的时候可能会有信件)
The day before you leave, make sure that all of your bags are packed and that you have everything you need. 在你离开的前一天,检查你是否带了你所有需要的东西,并且已经打好行李了。
第3个回答  2010-01-23
The first step in planning any vacation is deciding when and where you are going.

A. If you are going to a faraway place and want more quality time at your vacation destination(目的地), you may consider flying. If you enjoy the trip as much as the destination, going by train is also a good choice.

B. Consider the climate at your vacation destination. Even if you travel to a warm destination, always bring at least one piece of warm clothing and a light jacket in case(以防)the temperature drops unexpectedly.

C. Once you have decided where to go, the next step to decide is how to get there. This really depends on how far from home you are going and how much time you are taking.
决定旅游地点后, 下一步就是考虑怎么去。根据旅游目的地的远近程度和计划旅游时间,可以选择不同的交通方式。

D. When you know where you are going and how you are getting there, start making all of the necessary reservations(预订). If you reserve airline tickets and hotels early, they are usually cheaper.
决定了旅游地点和交通方式后就应该开始预定一些必要行程了。 提早定机票和酒店一般都有折扣的。

E. Before the trip, make sure that everything is in order. Now is the time to talk to neighbors of family members about collecting your mail.

The day before you leave, make sure that all of your bags are packed and that you have everything you need.
第4个回答  2010-01-23
A 如果你去一个较远的地方,想在那好好呆几天,你可能要考虑乘坐飞机。如果你喜欢沿途的风景像目的地那样,乘坐火车也是一个不错的西安则
B 考虑你假期旅行低的气候。如果你去的是一暖喝的地方,至少要带一件暖喝的衣服和一件薄衫一方气温骤降。
C 一旦你决定要去哪,下一步就是决定怎么去。这取决与它离你家有多远,还有你得花多长时间
D 当你敲定目的地和去那的方式,开始一切必要的预定。如果你早一些订机票和旅馆房间,通常会便宜一些
E 在旅行之前,确保每项事情都按部就班。现在是时候跟近邻好友祝福一下信件代收问题了。