
①What’sonyourarmshouldbe as beautiful as who’sonit . (Citizen) 戴在您手臂上的东西应该和您手臂上的人儿一样美丽。(星辰表)
②Lightasabreeze , softasacloud . 轻盈如微风,柔软似白云。
③Coolasamountainstream . . .coolfreshConsulate. 凉爽如山间清泉……清凉甘爽的Consulate香烟
④KodakisOlympiccolor . (KodacolorFilm)柯达就是奥林匹克的色彩。(柯达彩色胶卷)
这是柯达胶卷为了 1988年奥运所拍的广告,运动场上角逐激烈,瞬息万变,力与美的精彩刹那,不易捕捉,可是柯达不仅能捕捉精确,且色彩传真无比,谁会不为之解囊呢?
⑤Naturalcolorisnowsecondnature. (Hitachi)自然的色彩现在成为第二种自然。 (日立录放影机) 这则广告只强调该机录放图像色彩自然,恰好迎合了消费者的需求。
①Shehasherownspiritanditgraceseveryoneshecomesnear . (Lauren) 她有她自己的精神,能使她所到之处,人人因而更加美丽。(罗伦香水)
②It’sforyourlifetime . 你人生的伴侣。
①Webringhightechnologyhome . (NEC)我们把高科技带回家。(日本电气)
这句广告利用 bringsomethinghome的双关语意,既表示日本电气公司的产品落实普及到每一个家庭,更表示其电器技术的炉火纯青、臻于完美。
②Withsomanycarrots ,I’llbearealgem !(B.C. Muffins)有这么多克拉(胡萝卜),我是颗真宝石 ! (发糕)
此广告中,carrots(胡萝卜)和Croat(克拉)同音异义,此处谐音双关假借其义,Muffin是Betty Croker食品公司的产品之一,是形若杯状,带胡萝卜味的发糕,该广告旨在宣传其内容的实在,分量充足,营养丰富。
③Tryoursweetcorn , andyou’llsmilefromeartoear.尝尝我们的甜玉米,包你乐得合不拢嘴。

① What'sonyourarmshouldbe as beautiful as who'sonit. (Citizen) to wear at the things on your arm and your arm should be on the person as beautiful children. (Citizen)
Statement to use this advertisement as ... as the rhetoric, together with the hands close-up picture of men and women expressed relief rigid-flexible and harmonious beauty as well as complementary effect.
② Lightasabreeze, softasacloud. Light such as light, soft, white clouds appear.
This use of both clothing ads simile to describe their use of materials for clothing: Light拂面such as the breeze, soft as the sky of clouds. Natural association for consumers to use this material made it easy for a sense of clothes and comfortable sense of their own association to put on such a graceful image of casual clothing in order to stimulate people eager to have the consumer psychology.
③ Coolasamountainstream... CoolfreshConsulate. Cool mountain springs such as ... cool ... cool Gambari's Consulate cigarettes
This is unlicensed cigarette ads Consulate. The cigarette ads than for mountain streams, implying that the Consulate cigarettes as fresh as mountain streams, Gan cool, refreshing, Xingnaojing ... ... through the metaphor of the performance characteristics of smoke most, in the face of this "block could not the temptation, "smoking can not be cardiac吗?
In English and Chinese metaphor, metaphor of speech corresponding to are Metaphor, metaphor or hidden meaning than that. Sometimes, only Yu and ontology, the relationship between form for consistency rather than similar relations; sometimes there is no analogy ontology of things and words, only Vehicle things, and use it to replace the ontology of things. For example:
④ KodakisOlympiccolor. (KodacolorFilm) Kodak is the Olympic colors. (Kodak color film)
This is Kodak film for the Olympic Games in 1988 by making the ads, sports field competition fierce, fast-changing and wonderful strength and beauty of the moment, it is not easy to catch, but Kodak is not only able to capture accurate, and color fax immense Who would not do it the Royal?
⑤ Naturalcolorisnowsecondnature. (Hitachi) natural colors become second nature now. (Hitachi VCR) this advertisement only emphasize the natural color image recording aircraft, just to meet the needs of the consumers.
2. Anthropomorphic. To objects than people, and people usually only describe the types of words used to describe objects to give the "objects" to the human-specific words and deeds or thoughts and feelings to enhance the appeal and vividness. For example:
① Shehasherownspiritanditgraceseveryoneshecomesnear. (Lauren), she has her own spirit, can she went, everyone and therefore more beautiful. (Laurent perfume)
Advertisement in the perfume she will be people, and both draw on ads laurentii favorite perfume beauty, but also perfume itself, and naturally the location that this perfume for women.
② It'sforyourlifetime. You life partner.
This watch ads, will watch over Zuoren, and with you day and night together, as if you are a lover. Not only describes the essential commodities, but also emphasize the quality of durable watches.
3. Pun. Namely, the use of sentence, a word of double or multiple meanings, to create association. Advertisement in English pun rhetoric not only has the skills to strengthen meaning or interpretation, to read interesting Meaningful role, but also deepen their understanding of merchandise. For example:
① Webringhightechnologyhome. (NEC) put our high-tech home. (NEC)
This advertisement bringsomethinghome the use of puns intended, we express NEC to implement the company's products reach every family, but also express the high degree of technical proficiency of its electrical technology, reaching perfection.
② Withsomanycarrots, I'llbearealgem! (BC Muffins) has so many carats (carrots), my stars are true gems! (发糕)
This ad, carrots (carrots) and Croat (carats), Homonym, Homophone here under the guise of its meaning, Muffin are Betty Croker one food company's products, are goblet-shaped if,发糕flavored with carrots, the advertisement to publicize its content is, sufficient quantity and rich nutrition.
③ Tryoursweetcorn, andyou'llsmilefromeartoear. Try our sweet corn, including music you have from ear to ear.
This is an advertisement merchandise. Fromeartoear quipped, both expressed satisfaction at the happy ear to ear, but also due to express likes and ate one after another.
第1个回答  2009-03-23
What'snyourarmshouldbe as beautiful as who'sonit. (Citizen) to wear at the things on your arm and your arm should be on the person as beautiful children. (Citizen)
Statement to use this advertisement as ... as the rhetoric, together with the hands close-up picture of men and women expressed relief rigid-flexible and harmonious beauty as well as complementary effect.
第2个回答  2009-03-24

① What'sonyourarmshouldbe as beautiful as who'sonit. (Citizen) to wear at the things on your arm and your arm should be on the person as beautiful children. (Citizen)
Statement to use this advertisement as ... as the rhetoric, together with the hands close-up picture of men and women expressed relief rigid-flexible and harmonious beauty as well as complementary effect.
② Lightasabreeze, softasacloud. Light such as light, soft, white clouds appear.
This use of both clothing ads simile to describe their use of materials for clothing: Light拂面such as the breeze, soft as the sky of clouds. Natural association for consumers to use this material made it easy for a sense of clothes and comfortable sense of their own association to put on such a graceful image of casual clothing in order to stimulate people eager to have the consumer psychology.
③ Coolasamountainstream... CoolfreshConsulate. Cool mountain springs such as ... cool ... cool Gambari's Consulate cigarettes
This is unlicensed cigarette ads Consulate. The cigarette ads than for mountain streams, implying that the Consulate cigarettes as fresh as mountain streams, Gan cool, refreshing, Xingnaojing ... ... through the metaphor of the performance characteristics of smoke most, in the face of this "block could not the temptation, "smoking can not be cardiac吗?
In English and Chinese metaphor, metaphor of speech corresponding to are Metaphor, metaphor or hidden meaning than that. Sometimes, only Yu and ontology, the relationship between form for consistency rather than similar relations; sometimes there is no analogy ontology of things and words, only Vehicle things, and use it to replace the ontology of things. For example:
④ KodakisOlympiccolor. (KodacolorFilm) Kodak is the Olympic colors. (Kodak color film)
This is Kodak film for the Olympic Games in 1988 by making the ads, sports field competition fierce, fast-changing and wonderful strength and beauty of the moment, it is not easy to catch, but Kodak is not only able to capture accurate, and color fax immense Who would not do it the Royal?
⑤ Naturalcolorisnowsecondnature. (Hitachi) natural colors become second nature now. (Hitachi VCR) this advertisement only emphasize the natural color image recording aircraft, just to meet the needs of the consumers.
2. Anthropomorphic. To objects than people, and people usually only describe the types of words used to describe objects to give the "objects" to the human-specific words and deeds or thoughts and feelings to enhance the appeal and vividness. For example:
① Shehasherownspiritanditgraceseveryoneshecomesnear. (Lauren), she has her own spirit, can she went, everyone and therefore more beautiful. (Laurent perfume)
Advertisement in the perfume she will be people, and both draw on ads laurentii favorite perfume beauty, but also perfume itself, and naturally the location that this perfume for women.
② It'sforyourlifetime. You life partner.
This watch ads, will watch over Zuoren, and with you day and night together, as if you are a lover. Not only describes the essential commodities, but also emphasize the quality of durable watches.
3. Pun. Namely, the use of sentence, a word of double or multiple meanings, to create association. Advertisement in English pun rhetoric not only has the skills to strengthen meaning or interpretation, to read interesting Meaningful role, but also deepen their understanding of merchandise. For example:
① Webringhightechnologyhome. (NEC) put our high-tech home. (NEC)
This advertisement bringsomethinghome the use of puns intended, we express NEC to implement the company's products reach every family, but also express the high degree of technical proficiency of its electrical technology, reaching perfection.
② Withsomanycarrots, I'llbearealgem! (BC Muffins) has so many carats (carrots), my stars are true gems! (发糕)
This ad, carrots (carrots) and Croat (carats), Homonym, Homophone here under the guise of its meaning, Muffin are Betty Croker one food company's products, are goblet-shaped if,发糕flavored with carrots, the advertisement to publicize its content is, sufficient quantity and rich nutrition.
③ Tryoursweetcorn, andyou'llsmilefromeartoear. Try our sweet corn, including music you have from ear to ear.
This is an advertisement merchandise. Fromeartoear quipped, both expressed satisfaction at the happy ear to ear, but also due to express likes and ate one after another.
第3个回答  2009-03-25
9. 成群结队的“清国留学生”的速成班,头顶上盘着大辫子,顶得学生制帽的顶上高高耸起, 形成 一座富士山。
10. 生存的小品文,必须 是 匕首, 是 投枪,能和读者一同杀出一条生存的血路的东西。
11. 更多的时候,乌云四合,层峦叠嶂都 成了 水墨山水。
12.四合院 是 一个盒子。
13. 不过朝花社不久就倒闭了,我也不想说清其中的原因,总之是柔石的理想的头 ,先碰了一个大钉子,力气固然白化,此外还得去借一百块钱来付纸账。
第4个回答  2009-03-26
③ Tryoursweetcorn, andyou'llsmilefromeartoear. Try our sweet corn, including music you have from ear to ear.
This is an advertisement merchandise. Fromeartoear quipped, both expressed satisfaction at the happy ear to ear, but also due to express likes and ate one after another.
第5个回答  2009-03-26