
12. 王叔叔能让他的风筝在天空中飞得更高。
13. 我很渴。我想喝点东西。
14. 她没有纸可写东西
15. 我没有笔来写东西
16. 医生竭尽全力来拯救那个孩子。
17. 李明太累了,所以他停下来休息。
18. 孩子们经常被要求不要在图书馆里大声说话。他们必须保持安静。
19. 老师要小明不要再迟到了。
20. 明天将会有一个很重要的会议,请不要迟到。
21. 老师经常要吉姆和约翰不要在玩电视游戏上花太多时间。

12. Uncle Wang let him kite flying in the sky were even higher.
13. I am very thirsty. I want to drink something.
14. She did not have paper to write things
15. I have no pen to write things
16. Doctors make every effort to save the child.
17. Li Ming was too tired so he stopped to rest.
18. The children are often asked not to speak loudly in the library. They must keep quiet.
19. The teacher asked Xiao Ming Do not be late again.
20. Tomorrow will have a very important meeting, please do not be late.
21. Teachers often call on Jim and John will not play video games spend too much time on.
第1个回答  2009-02-22
12.Ancle Wang can make his kite fly higher in the sky
13.I'm very thirsty ,i want to drink something.
14.She doesn't have a piece of paper to write on.
15.I have no pen for writing.
16.The doctor tried his best to save the child.
17.Li Ming is so tired that he stops to have a rest
18.The children are required to not speak loud in the lib,they must keep qiuet.
19.The teacher ask XiaoMing not be late again.
20.There will be a very important conference tomorrow,please don't be late.
21.The teacher often ask Jim and John not spend too much time on palying TV-game.
第2个回答  2009-02-22
12 Uncle can fly his kite higher.
13 I'm thirsty,i want to drink something.
14 She do not have any paper to write something.
15 i do not have a pen to write something.
16 Doctors do their best to save that child.
17 Li Ming is so tired and then he stop to have a rest.
18 Children always be required not to speak loudly in the library ,they must keep quiet there.
19 Xiao Ming's teacher ask him not to be late again.
20 Tomorrow we will hold an important meeting,so don't be late.
21 the teacher ask Tom and Jhon not to spend too much time on playing TV games.