
<1>at a time一次; 同时; 一下子; 每次
<2>at one time(过去)有个时期; 曾经, 一度 同时
<3>at the time 当时, 在那个时候
<4>for a time 一度, 暂时
<5>for the time being 暂时, 暂且



1. time 作可数名词,意为"次;回; 一段时间;时代(常用作复数);倍数"。

①Each time I called on him, he was busy with his work.

②This room is four times as big as that one.

2. time作不可数名词,意为"时间"。

What time is it by your watch?

3. time作动词用。


He timed his journey so that he arrived before dark.


We timed our journey. It took us two hours.


He tried to time his steps to the music.

4. time与this, next, that, last, another等连用构成词组时,其前常不用介词。

Don't be late for class next time.

Another time he was seen using a check for $1,500 as a bookmark.

注意this time与that time的区别:

this time是"这次",含有"跟前次不同"的意味;that time是"那次"之意。试比较:

This time the great man began with the second question.

That time her husband was absent from his own laboratory work.


Two students meet for the first time at the beginning of the term.

"Please read the text a second time,"said the teacher.

注意:用英语说"一次"是once,不是one time或a time;"两次"是twice,通常不说two times;"一两次"是once or twice,亦可说a time or two,但不常用;"两三次"可以说two or three times。

6. in time与on time的区别

in time有"及时;迟早"的意思,意指正赶上时候或恰在需要的时候,或解释为"终有一天;最后";on time是"准时;按时"之意。如:

We were just in time for(或to catch) the bus.

The train pulled in on time.

7.在"It/This is the+序数词+time+that从句"结构中,that从句常用现在完成时。

This is the second time that I have seen the English film.

8. some time, sometime, sometimes与some times的区别

(1)some time表示"一段时间"。如:

I was there some time.


I saw him sometime in May.

He'll come sometime tomorrow.


We sometimes go to the cinema.

(4)some times意为"几次;几倍"。如:

We have met some times.

9. 在by the time...结构中,主句多用完成时。

By the time he was twelve, he had built a chemistry lab for himself.

10. It's time for sth.该做某事了。

It's time(for sb.) to do sth.(某人)该做某事了。

It's time for class.

It's time for me to go to school.

11. It's time that...中,that从句中的谓语动词用过去时或用"should+动词原形"(should不能省略)。

It's time we started.(It's time we should start.)

12. time构成的其它词组

against time争分夺秒地

ahead of time提前

all the time一直

as time goes on随着时间的流逝

at all times总是;随时

(at)any time无论何时

at a time每次;一次

at no time决不

at one time同时;曾经

at other times在另外的场合;平时

at the same time同时;然而

at the time of...在……的时刻

at times有时

before one's time提前;在某人出生前

before the times在时代前头

behind the times落后于时代

behind time迟

between times 有时;偶尔

buy time赢得时间

by this time到那时;此刻

come to time履行义务

every time每当

for a time暂时

for the time being暂时;目前;现在

from time to time有时

gain time(钟、表等)走得快

give sb. time给某人放宽期限(如债款等)

give the time of day向(某人)问候

go with the time随大流

half the time一半时间;经常;总是

have a good time过得愉快

have a rough time受难

in good time及时地

in no time很快

in one's own good time在某人方便的时候;不急不忙

in one's time在某人的一生中

in time of在……时刻

kill time消磨时间

lose time(钟、表)走得慢;浪费时间

once upon a time从前

out of time不合时宜

some time or other总有一天

take one's time不慌不忙;小心谨慎

time after time(或time and again)经常;反复;再三
第1个回答  2008-03-18
at a time [简明英汉词典]
adv.每次, 在某时

at one time [简明英汉词典]
adv.同时, 曾经

at the time [简明英汉词典]
当时, 在那个时候

for a time [简明英汉词典]
adv.暂时, 一度

for the time being [简明英汉词典]