
先生不知道是什么地方人,也不清楚他的姓和字。住宅旁边有五棵柳树,因而就以“五柳”为号。性情闲静,说话不多,不羡慕名利。好读书,不钻牛角尖;每有会意之处,便高兴得忘了吃饭。好喝酒,可惜家境贫穷不能常常得到。亲戚或老朋友知道他这样,有时就准备了酒邀请他来喝。他只要一去总是喝光,约定必醉方休,要去就去要留就留,从不掩饰自己的感情。家里四壁空荡荡的,挡不住风雨也遮不住太阳。短短的粗麻布衣服破破烂烂的,缝缀补绽着;常常没有吃的没有喝的,但心里很坦然。常写文章娱乐自己,显示了自己的志趣。得失完全忘怀了,并坚守这原则直到死去。 赞曰:黔娄的妻子有这样的话:不为贫贱而忧虑悲伤,不为富贵而匆忙追求。她就是说这一类人吧!醉酒赋诗,以娱乐自己的心志。是无怀氏之民吗?是葛天氏之民吗?


第1个回答  2006-03-09
Gentleman did not know is any place person, also is not clear he the surname and the character. Nearby the housing has five willow tree, thus on take "the willows" as the number. Personality quiet, speaks are not many, does not envy the fame and fortune. Good studies, does not bore tip of cows horn kto in a h; Has the associative compound every time place, was then happy forgets to eat meal. Good drinks, the family circumstances are what a pity poor cannot obtain frequently. The relative or the old friend knew he like this, sometimes prepared the liquor to invite him to drink. He so long as one always drinks the light, the agreement must be drunk the side to rest, must go to go to have to remain remains, ever does not conceal own sentiment. In family four walls empty, cannot block the wind and rain also not to be able to block from the sun. Short burlap clothes tattered, sews a patch on makes up is splitting; Has not eaten frequently has not drunk, but in the heart is very confident. Often writes an article entertainment, has demonstrated own interest. The success and failure has dismissed from mind completely, and perseveres this principle until to die.
Gentleman does not know the what kind of person also, also is unclear its surname and given name. Nearby the dwelling has five willow tree, because thinks the number. The quiet few words, do not admire Rong Li. Good studies, fails to search for deep understanding; Has the associative compound every time, then joyfully forgets the food. The nature is addicted to alcohol, the family poor cannot often. Kisses old knowledge it so, or arranges a banquet but move of it. Makes drinks always, the time in must be drunk; Also is drunk but draws back, once not great sentiment remove or retain. Lives in poverty, does not shade the wind date, short brown puts on the knot, 箪 the wooden scoop is repeatedly spatial, Yan like. Often the article self-entertainment, quite is showing oneself to remember. Dismisses from mind the success and failure, by this from end.
第2个回答  2006-03-16
汉:先生不知道是什么地方人,也不清楚他的姓和字。住宅旁边有五棵柳树,因而就以“五柳”为号。性情闲静,说话不多,不羡慕名利。好读书,不钻牛角尖;每有会意之处,便高兴得忘了吃饭。好喝酒,可惜家境贫穷不能常常得到。亲戚或老朋友知道他这样,有时就准备了酒邀请他来喝。他只要一去总是喝光,约定必醉方休,要去就去要留就留,从不掩饰自己的感情。家里四壁空荡荡的,挡不住风雨也遮不住太阳。短短的粗麻布衣服破破烂烂的,缝缀补绽着;常常没有吃的没有喝的,但心里很坦然。常写文章娱乐自己,显示了自己的志趣。得失完全忘怀了,并坚守这原则直到死去。 赞曰:黔娄的妻子有这样的话:不为贫贱而忧虑悲伤,不为富贵而匆忙追求。她就是说这一类人吧!醉酒赋诗,以娱乐自己的心志。是无怀氏之民吗?是葛天氏之民吗?
英文:The Sir does not know is where person, and also not clear his surname with word.There is five willows by the side of the residence, as a result regard" five 柳s" as the number.Temperament 闲静 , talk not much, do not envy the fame and wealth.Like to study, do not get oneself into a dead end;It is each to understand its place, then happy forget to have a meal.Like to drink the wine, it is a pity that the financial situation beggarliness can't usually get.Relatives or old friends know him like this, sometimes prepared the wine invite him to drink.He only on going to always drink up, agreement to inebriate the square 休 necessarily, to go to and then to stay and then stay, never cover up own affection.Home four walls are empty, can not hold up against the rains and winds to also hide to do not live the sun.The very short burlap clothes breaks ragged and lousy, sew and patch to repair the 绽 ;Usually did not eat of did not drink of, but the in the mind is very calm.Often write the article amusement the oneself, show own aspiration.The gain and loss forgot completely, and guard securely this principle until depart this life. 赞曰 :The wife of the 黔娄 has such words:Do not worry about poor and humble but the sorrow, not for rich and honored but the rush pursues.She is to says this type of person!It is drunk with wine to compose poem on occasion, toing amuse own heart ambition.Is people to have no the bosom surname?Is the people of the 葛 a surname?
第3个回答  2006-03-13