

了提高英语口语,学生会组织了英语演讲比赛,希望同学参与。报名时间:5月25以前In order to improve English Oral, Student society had organized a English Speech Competition, Hope student may participate. Enrollment closing date: before May 25
Pace of register: Student Society Office, Competition Date: June 9 at 4.00pm, Venue: 5th floor, School block. Prizes: First five placing
第1个回答  2013-09-13
In order to promote the interest for students to speak English, the Student Council is going to hold an English Speech Content. We invite your participation and inputs. Please register by May 25th.The registration will be in Student Council Office.Contest starts at 4:00PM, June 9th.Contest will be held at Fifth Floor, Class Building 5.Top five winners will receive the prize.供楼主参考: 1. 估计学生会举行比赛?高同学们对英语口语的兴趣。故英文翻译与原要求有出入。</LI> 2. 楼主的“希望参与”被是希望参加(participation)并给建议,自持等 (inputs)。3. 如果“比赛”比较简短,应用Contest。但如果分好多场,选拔,半决赛,决赛等,应用Tournament 望有用。追问必答。
第2个回答  2013-09-13
In order to improve oral English, student association to the English speech contest, hope students participating in. Application period: May 25 years ago .Enrollment sites: student office. Playing time: June 9 at 4:00 in the afternoon. Venue: building the fifth floor. Top 5 award winners.
第3个回答  2013-09-13
Enrollment sites: student office. Playing time: June 9 at 4:00 in the afternoon. Venue: building the fifth floor. Top 5 award winners.