

kate: hello! this is kate speaking. who is that?
susan:hello! kate,this is susan.
kate:would you like to go for a picnic with me today?
susan: l would like to. but l have no time today. how about tomorrow?
kate:ok.l will take some fish,meat and apples.would you like to take some juice?
susan:ok, no problem.see you tomorrow!
kate: see you !
第1个回答  2012-12-28
K represents Kate; S represents Susan.

K: hello,This is Kate,may I speak to Susan?
S:Hi Kate,I am speaking,long time no see you.
K:yes, so for the lovely day, I want to invite you to go out for picnic today.
S:oh,so good idea,but I feel so sorry that today is not available for me,what about tomorrow?
K:It's a pity but tomorrow is OK. I will take fish,pork and apple,you'd better take some juice.
S;sure,I will take it with me. see you tommorrow.
K:see you tommorrow.
第2个回答  2012-12-28
K: Hi, Susan. This is Kate.
S: Oh,hi Kate. How are you?
K: I'm great. I'm wondering if you have time to have a picnic with me today.
S: I really want to go but I have a meeting today. Sorry about that.
K: It's ok. We can go next time.
S: Do you have time tomorrow? Why don't we go tomorrow?
K: Yes. So we will go tomorrow. I will bring fish, meat and apple. Can you bring some juice and whatever things you want to eat.
S: Sure. See you tomorrow.
K: Bye.
第3个回答  2012-12-28
Kate: hello, may I speak to Susan?
Susan: Speaking
Kate: Hi Susan, Kate is speaking. I am going to invite you for a picnic today, are you free?
Susan: oh! Sorry I am going to see my grandparents today. Can you make it tomorrow?
Kate: well...it's ok.Tomorrow morning I will call you again, and I will take fish, meat and apples for the picnic, you just need to take some juice or some others you like to eat, ok?
Susan: No problem, see you tomorrow.
Kate: see you.