
最后我到家了。I got home _____ ______________.
你的弟弟是圆脸还是长脸?Does your brother have a _____ _______________ face?
我哥哥从来不穿牛仔裤。My brother never _____ _______
每个学生都有一本字典。_____ _______ _______ a dictionary.
音乐也使我有同样的感觉。Music makes me feel _____ _______ ________.
首先,你因该洗手。_____ _______ ________ , You should wash yourhands.
我打算在这座城市找一份工作。I _____ _______ _______ find a job in this city.
布朗先生有一份有趣的工作。Mr. Brown has _____ _______ _______.
这男孩长得像他的父亲。The boy _____ _______ his father.
他爸爸有点儿胖。His father is _____ _______ fat.
陈芳戴眼镜。Chen Fang _____ _______.
给我来些绿茶好吗?Could you please give me ______ ______ ______ ?
你想要多大尺寸的生日蛋糕? ______ ______ ______ _______Would you like?
你必须一口气把所有蜡烛吹灭。You must ______ ______ all thecandles ______ ______ ______ .
我们有美味煎饼,仅售五元。We have delicious ____________ just five yuan.














第1个回答  2013-07-12
I'm home at last.
Your brother is round or long?
My brother never wear jeans.
Every student has a dictionary.
Music makes me feel the same way.
First of all, you should wash your hands. .
I'm going to find a job in this city.
Mr Brown is a interesting job.
The boy looks like his father. .
His father is a little fat. .
Chen Fangdai glasses.
Give me some green tea?
What size do you want a birthday cake?
You must be a relief to blow out all the candles.
We have delicious pancakes, for five yuan.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2013-07-12
最后我到家了。I got home __at ___ ____last__________.
你的弟弟是圆脸还是长脸?Does your brother have a _round____or _______long________ face?
我哥哥从来不穿牛仔裤。My brother never _wear____ _jeans______
每个学生都有一本字典。_Every____ _student______ __has_____ a dictionary.
音乐也使我有同样的感觉。Music makes me feel _the____ __same_____ _thing_______.
首先,你因该洗手。_First____ __of_____ ____all____ , You should wash yourhands.
我打算在这座城市找一份工作。I _am____ __planning_____ _to______ find a job in this city.
布朗先生有一份有趣的工作。Mr. Brown has _an____ _interesting______ _job______.
这男孩长得像他的父亲。The boy _looks____ _like______ his father.
他爸爸有点儿胖。His father is _a ____ __little_____ fat.
陈芳戴眼镜。Chen Fang _wears____ _glasses______.
给我来些绿茶好吗?Could you please give me _some_____ __green____ _tea_____ ?
你想要多大尺寸的生日蛋糕? _What_____ __size____ _of_____ _cake______Would you like?
你必须一口气把所有蜡烛吹灭。You must _blow_____ __out____ all thecandles _in_____ __a____ _breath_____ .
我们有美味煎饼,仅售五元。We have delicious ___pancakes_________ just five yuan.
第3个回答  2013-07-12
1. 最后我到家了。I got home _____ ______________.
答案:at last
2. 你的弟弟是圆脸还是长脸?Does your brother have a _____ _______________ face?
答案:round or long
3. 我哥哥从来不穿牛仔裤。My brother never _____ _______
答案:wear jeans
4. 每个学生都有一本字典。_____ _______ _______ a dictionary.
答案:Each student has
5. 音乐也使我有同样的感觉。Music makes me feel _____ _______ ________.
答案:the same too
6. 首先,你因该洗手。_____ _______ ________ , You should wash yourhands.
答案:First of all
7. 我打算在这座城市找一份工作。I _____ _______ _______ find a job in this city.
答案:am going to
8. 布朗先生有一份有趣的工作。Mr. Brown has _____ _______ _______.
答案:an interesting job
9. 这男孩长得像他的父亲。The boy _____ _______ his father.
答案:looks like
10. 他爸爸有点儿胖。His father is _____ _______ fat.
答案:a bit
11. 陈芳戴眼镜。Chen Fang _____ _______.
答案:wears glasses
12. 给我来些绿茶好吗?Could you please give me ______ ______ ______ ?
答案:some green tea
13. 你想要多大尺寸的生日蛋糕? ______ ______ ______ _______Would you like?
答案:Which size of cake
14. 你必须一口气把所有蜡烛吹灭。You must ______ ______ all thecandles ______ ______ ______ .
答案:blow out;in one breath
15. 我们有美味煎饼,仅售五元。We have delicious ____________ just five yuan.

第4个回答  2013-07-12
at last
round or square
wear jeans
Every student has
第5个回答  2013-07-12

    at last

    round or long应该是三个空吧。。。

    wears jeans

    Each students has

    the same too

    First of all

    am going to

    an interesting job

    looks like

    a little

    wears glasses

    some green tea

    How big a cake 这个别信、瞎写的

    blow up    within one breath 中国式英语= =

