
Chopin's music is at the heart of Polish romanticism.It's reflect the nation groan under the bourgeoisie.Because his music have all sorts of emotions-"Sadness,joy and love"
Chopin dares to make own style. His music symbolize their country's long struggle for independence.After the 19th-century,the Tsar stopped public performances of Chopin's music because Chopin's music have Poland's national heritage that could stirred patriotic sentiment.
Chopin is very patriot. His body was buried in Paris,but his heart was sent back home as he had wished.



根据意思找。 然后一些错的(- -。普通人都看的出来),删掉再插进去。自己找不到的在线翻译。最后把正确的替进去。
第1个回答  2010-11-30
一般来说改介词的情况比较多 你先把全文看一遍 不理解意思不要紧 只要能把错误行的句子结构划分清楚就行 再联系上下文就可本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2010-11-30
Chopin's music is at the heart of Polish romanticism.It reflects the nation groan under the bourgeoisie.Because his music has all sorts of emotions-"Sadness,,joy and love",
Chopin dares to make his own style. His music symbolizes their country's long struggle for independence.After the 19th century,the Tsar stopped publicing performaces of Chopin's music because Chopin's music has Poland's national heritage that could stirred patriotic sentiment.
Chopin is very patriot. His body was buried in Paris,but his heart was sent back home as he wished.本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2010-11-30