
一篇是名为 Werden die deutschen das Reisen leid? 另一篇是 Probleme des Bevolkerungswachstums. 两篇好像是德福考试的阅读文章,请有文章的亲帮忙发个翻译吧? 无限感激!!! 很急!!

Diligent and lazy differences
Once upon a time, have a warm family, which is home to two girls, fathers and mothers.
Their eldest daughter cried out: Pei Nass; little girl cried out: Aili abuse.
Aili abuse very diligent, very open to love; and Pei nass it? Although he looked innocent soul is so dirty, Pei Nass very lazy, what things should Aili infants younger sister to do, and, do not bully her on.
A sunny day, the two sisters of the mother had an incurable disease, unfortunately, the father of the two of them said: "Your mother is sick, need a lot of nutrition." Their father said this, it left a crystal tears.
"You go to take some fruit, I take care of your mother."
Two sisters apart from anything else the promise, and left.
To the forest, sitting on a stone stool Sisters, the lazy, said: "Oh Hello! Exhausted me, you see, are you tired of the Sisters, Sisters help you take good fruit bar."
"No. Your mother have such还是老样子. Really does not have filial piety!" Sister Aili infants have articulated so forcefully refuted Road.
Sisters face flushed with anger, the stare hard at him, but she does not have the courage to refute but to go their own solitary mining of fruit. "---- Ah ah!"一声惨叫, Aili children falling into a pit, and fainted away.
Ellis woke up around children,揉了揉惺忪eyes, the scene in front of amazed. "How beautiful the place you! ~"
It is indeed beautiful, the fruits of numerous grass Cuihua open horizon rainbow hung together. Aili legitimate children in the enjoyment of flowers, the sound of a cry for help: "Young people, please help me. Ah - ah!"
A bread rack bread烤糊the fast. "Yes! This fast paste of bread." Aili children quickly the bread on the hands of the嫩嫩red hot little hands.
Gradually lower the temperature of the bread, his gratitude, said: "You're my救命恩人, let me repay you."
For a long while, gold fall from heaven, filled with Aili systemic abuse! "Let me send you home."一米阳光exposure in infants who Aili, Aili child disappeared, back to the original world.
Returned to the forest, Pei Nass Aili children to see such a beautiful, hand basket loaded slow Li lot of fresh fruit, he pretended to look like soft said: "yo Oh, so beautiful, what a go?"
Aili abuse the word does not leak through that again, Pei Nass nodded: "Oh yes such a thing! Quickly took me to."
"Bang"Bang, Pei Nass also falling into the pit.
Open your eyes Pei Nass is the first sentence: "gold! Gold! Fast out! Fruit! Fruit! Coming soon!"
"Young people! Help! I expect to be a烤糊!" Is the bread in for help.
"What is it!烤糊you forget! Really annoying!" Pei Nass bang roared toward bread.
At this point, a small blue hat Witch jumped out of North Korea Pei Nass said: "as you so lazy people, and bully your sister, I really no longer just bread are on your test, after can not be the case! give you a lesson. "Having a small blue hat Witch's magic wand waved their hands to a" heavy mud, "landed in the mud all the beautiful Nass PEI on lace skirt.
"You go back now!" Blue hat Small Witch said.
Nass like PEI so lazy people who want to reap without sowing, is wishful thinking!