
最佳答案被选中的是:The angry, pumping more persons to the edge; timid person is angry, pumping edge to the more vulnerable.
我很难理解。 pumping edge “抽刃” 有关系吗?

本人的翻译是: The braver in angry knifes to the mighty, but the coward in angry attacks the vulnerable.
或者: The braver in angry points to the mighty with a sword, but the coward in angry points to the vulnerable with a knife.

被选中的最佳答案经常有错的,(管理员也难免有失误)。就你上面所说的“最佳答案”来说,the angry, pumping more persons to the edge;这半句没有谓语动词,分词只能是修饰成分,后半句timid person is angry连个条件句的关联词都没有,惨不忍睹。
你的疑问基本可以接受,但是in angry 介词后跟形容词,不妥。knife做动词表示“切割”,也不太合适。试译如下,供你参考:
A hero in anger brandishes his sword to challenge the mighty, but a coward in anger bullies the vulnerable。追问

再问一问题:pumping edge 跟“抽刃”有关系吗? 不会是机器翻译吧?
