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Thread Milling
Threads are usually created by a tap for small internal threads or a die for small external threads. Taps work well for small (usually under 1 inch) holes, but when the thread diameters are larger the cost of the tap becomes prohibitive and the required torque on the tapping spindle may exceed the machine tool's capability. The same is true for cutting external threads with dies.

Because of the high cutting torque required to drive a large tap, the risk of breaking the tool in the part is increased. If the tap is broken in a part, it is very difficult to remove without damaging the part. Thread Milling is one solution to these problems. Thread Milling uses a special type of milling cutter that profile mills the thread using either single or multiple flute thread cutting tool. Thread milling is a finishing operation for machining threads that have large diameters.

Thread Milling Considerations
The following limitations should be considered when using Thread Milling:

Selection of thread features is currently not available. You must select the cylindrical face associated with the thread feature. Each cylindrical face has only one associated thread feature.

A single deselect cannot be performed when Select All has been used. You can deselect geometry using Remove/Remove All in the Edit mode.

You should not Rename or Copy an operation in the Operation Navigator. This limitation is because Thread Milling is implemented as a User Defined Operations.

If you are using the Circle option, the diameter of the circle will be compared with the diameters in the thread table file. There are two default thread table files, one for English unit threads and one for metric unit threads are supported. The environment variables UGII_ENGLISH_THREADS and UGII_METRIC_THREADS are used to identify these thread table files, respectively. If the diameter is not available in the table file, the closest diameter available is selected for machining. If the tables that we provide are not the standard that your company uses, you can modify the tables as required.

You should exercise caution when using helical/linear engages and retracts. Gouge checking is not performed during these motions.

The insert length of the tool should be such that the number of teeth available on the tool should be greater than the number of teeth. The number of teeth can be computed as per the formula below:

Number of teeth = Insert length/tool pitch

The thread features cannot be selected using Name. There is no selection mask.

Accessing Thread Milling
Thread Milling is implemented as a User Defined Operation. To create a Thread Milling operation, set Type to mill_planar or drill and select THREAD_MILLING Subtype in the Create Operation dialog.


线通常对于小的外部线为小的内在线或一钢模被轻打产生。轻打为小的 (通常在 1 寸之下) 洞 , 但是线直径何时比较大作的很好轻打的费用变成禁止,而且必需的转力矩在轻打纱锭上可能超过工作母机的能力。 一样的对用一钢模切外部的线是真实的。

因为高锐利的转力矩必需的驾驶大的轻打, 在部份中打破工具的危险被增加。 如果轻打被闯入一个部份, 除去是非常困难的没有损坏部份。 线磨是的解决办法这些问题。 线磨使用一特别类型磨描绘磨细使用独身者或多支笛线切断工具的线的裁剪者。 线磨是有大的直径的机制线的最后操作。


线特征的选择是现在不是可得。 你一定选择与线特征有关的圆筒形的脸。 每个圆筒形的脸只有一个联合的线特征。

一阻止不能够被运行再次当选当选择已经全部被用的时候。 你能阻止使用在编辑模态中是所有的距离/距离的几何学再次当选。

你在操作航海家中不应该重新命名或者复印操作。 因为线磨被实现如定义操作的一个使用者,所以这限制是。

如果你正在使用圆周选项,圆周的直径将会被与线桌子文件的直径相较。有二假设值线桌子文件, 一对于英文单位穿线于和他对于线被支援的公制的单位。 分别地,环境变数 UGII_ENGLISH_THREADS 和 UGII_METRIC_THREADS 用来识别这些线桌子文件。 如果直径在桌子文件中不是可得,可得的最靠近的直径为机制被选择。如果我们提供的桌子不是标准你的公司使用,你能当做需要修正桌子。

当使用螺线/线性答应而且缩回的时候,你应该练习小心。 检查的圆凿在这些运动期间没被运行。

工具的插入物长度应该是以致于牙齿的数字从工具可得应该比牙齿的数字棒。 牙齿的数字能依照下面的公式被计算:

牙齿的数字 = 插入物长度/工具程度

线特征不能够被选择使用名字。 没有选择面具。

线磨被实现如定义操作的一个使用者。产生磨操作, mill_planar 的固定类型的一条线或者钻孔机而且选择 THREAD_MILLING 次类型在那产生操作会话。