老师作的官方答案的均可 2005年nepcs 初二决赛 答案

老师作的官方答案的均可 2005年nepcs 初二决赛 答案
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全国中学生英语能力竞赛组委会办公室 提供
(时间:120分钟 总分:150分)
I. 选择填空 (Vocabulary and structure) (共20小题,计20分)
A) 选出与下列各句划线部分意思相同或相近的最佳答案。
1. They don't have any lessons on weekends.
A. classes B. books
C. exercises D. homework
2. — What time is it?
—It's eleven thirty.
—Oh!It's time to have lunch.
A. at B. on C. for D. of
3. We enjoyed ourselves at the picnic.
A. played ourselves B. drank happily
C. had a good time D. loved the meal
4. —What are they doing now?
—I've no idea.
A. I don't think so B. I'm sorry
C. Doing nothing D. I don't know
5. There are many oranges in the basket.
A. more B. a lot of C. a little D. a lot
B) 选出下列各题的最佳答案。
6. His eyes look like his _________.
A. brother's B. mother C. sisters D. fathers
7. God! Look at your shoes, Tim!You must_________.
A. put it away B. put them away C. put away them D. put away it
8. I'm sorry. I'm late again because I _________ catch the early bus.
A. don't B. didn't C. won't D. shan't
9. Thank you very much _________ me _________ your party.
A. to asking; to B. to ask; of
C. for asking; to D. for ask; of
10. You'd better keep the windows _________. It's so hot here.
A. open B. opening C. opens D. opened
11. You _________better _________ in the river. It's too dangerous.
A. have; to swim B. had; swim
C. have; not swimming D. had; not swim
12. Han Meimei picked _________ apples in her class.
A. many B. much C. more D. the most
13. _________ a small red bird. _________ name is Lily.
A. Here are; Her B. This is; He's
C. That is; Its D. There is; It's
14. Uncle Smith is _________ than all the other workers in the factory because he is_________ of all.
A. busier; tallest B. busier; the strongest
C. heavier; the taller D. tall; the heaviest
15. —Can you answer this question?
—Sorry, I can _________ understand its meaning.
A. almost B. quite C. hardly D. nearly
C) 情景会话。
16. —Would you like some more rice?
—I'm full. _________
A. You, please. B. Thanks all the same.
C. Don't trouble me. D. Yes, please.
17. —_________
—The same to you.
A. Happy birthday to you. B. You look very beautiful.
C. Happy New Year. D. Good idea.
18. — _________ my hair?
—Mm... I like it.
—I'm glad you like it.
A. How long is B. What do you think of
C. What do you like about D. Where did you make
19. —Help yourself to some fruit.
A. Oh, I'm hungry. B. Yes, please. C. No, I can't. D. Oh, thank you.
20. —Can I help you, Sir?
— _________
— OK!I'll show you.
—Thank you.
A. What can I do for you? B. Yes!Where is the washroom, please?
C. Thank you all the same. D. No, thank you. But where can I go for help?
II. 阅读理解 (Reading comprehension) (共20小题,计30分)
It was a beautiful spring morning. There were no clouds in the sky, and the sun was warm but not hot. Mr Black saw an old man at the bus stop with a big, strong, black umbrella (伞) in his hand.
Mr Black said to him, “Do you think we are going to have rain today?”
“No,” said the old man, “I don't think so.”
“Then are you carrying the umbrella because the sun is too hot?”
“No, the sun is not very hot in spring.”
Mr Black looked at the big umbrella again, and the man said, “I am an old man, and my legs are not very strong. I must have a walking-stick (手杖). But people will say, ‘Look!That man is so old.', and I don't like that. When I carry an umbrella in fine weather, people only say, ‘Look at that stupid (愚蠢的) man.'”
21. This story happened _________.
A. on a spring morning B. on a cold day
C. on a summer evening D. in the afternoon
22. What was the weather like that day?
A. It was raining. B. The sun was too hot.
C. It was sunny and the sun was warm but not too hot. D. It was cloudy.
23. Mr Black saw the old man _________.
A. in the park B. at the bus stop
C. on the hill D. in the street
24. The old man had _________ in his hand.
A. an old walking-stick B. a brush
C. a big box D. an umbrella
25. Which of the following statements is right?
A. The old man carried an umbrella instead of a walking-stick.
B. The old man borrowed an umbrella from Mr Black.
C. Mr Black and the old man were good friends.
D. The old man thought it was going to rain.

Pedestrians (行人)
1. Always use a pavement or footpath.
2. Wear white or light-coloured clothes in the dark.
3. Don't let young children walk alone near a busy road.

1. Don't pass (超过) other cars near a corner, or a bend, or at the top of a hill.
2. Don't park in front of a zebra crossing (斑马线).
3. Don't drive if you feel tired.
4. Always fasten your seat belt (安全带) when you start your car.

1. Use front and back lights at night.
2. Always keep both hands on the bicycle handlebars(把手).
3. Don't carry a passenger on your bicycle.
4. Look round before you turn left or right.
26. □Mr Barri is taking his daughter to school. She is sitting in front of him on his bicycle.
27. □Leila is on her bicycle. She wants to turn right and she is looking quickly behind
28. □Mrs Kilimis is walking on the pavement of a busy road. She is holding the hand of her little child.
29. □Mr Sumatomo is driving only a hundred metres but he is wearing his seat belt.
30. □Mr Lee is very tired so he is driving home very quickly.
Last Wednesday, Mr Chan took his class to the Space Museum. First, the children watched a movie about space travel. They saw how the space shuttle (航天飞船) took off in space and later landed on earth again. It was very exciting and the children felt that they were travelling in space themselves!
After the movie, Mr Chan took them to see some models of rockets (火箭) and the space shuttle. The models looked very real, but they were smaller. The children also saw some moon stones. Two Americans landed (着陆) on the moon in 1969. They put an American flag (旗) there. Then they brought some stones back to the earth.
Before the children left, they watched a video show about people living and working in a spacelab (太空实验室). The spacelab was very big. There were kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms and a big workshop for people to work in. The people could stay in the spacelab for months.
31. How was the movie?
32. What did the two Americans bring back to the earth?
33. How long could people stay in the spacelab?
Becks is best!

34. Beckham lives _________ with his family in the country outside _________.
35. He plays for _________, and is captain of _________.
36. Beckham's wife, Victoria is a famous _________.
37. He thinks his most regrettable (令人遗憾的)moment was the kick against the Argentinian player Simeone in _________ ago.

38. Who paid the rent?
39. How much was the rent?
40. Is this a receipt for the rent of a house?
III. 完形填空 (Cloze)(共20小题, 计20分)
After school Tim, Sam, Kathy and Julie(41)_________(go) to the offices of Brown's Building Company.
“Can we see Mr Brown, please?” said Sam to the receptionist (接待员).
“Oh, you're lucky!” the receptionist replied (回答).
“Mr Brown (42)_________(not/often/come) here in the afternoons but he(43)_________(work) in his office now. It's on the fifth floor.”
The children (44)_________(take) the lift to the fifth floor. The door of Mr Brown's office (45)_________(be) open. The children walked in but Mr Brown wasn't there. There(46)_________(be) large drawings on the wall.
“What (47)_________(you / do)?” said Sam to Kathy.
“I (48)_________(look) at these plans (计划), ” said Kathy. “They're the plans for Upton Wood!”
The children looked at the drawings.
“There (49)_________(not be) any trees in the plan. ”
“We must tell our friends at school about this plan and (50)_________(stop) it, ”said Sam.
B) 阅读短文,根据其内容从所给词语中选择最恰当的十个,用其适当形式填空补全短文。(有多余选项,每词只可使用一次)
everywhere, difficulty, so, other, players, but,hate, than, like, famous, need, can, they
Many very good soccer (51)_________ don't want to become professional athletes (职业运动员). Some of them don't want to travel. They (52)_________ staying home near their families. (53)_________ realize (意识) that soccer (54)_________ be a dangerous game. Players can be hurt very badly. But many professional athletes make more (55)_________ a million dollars a year.
Professional athletes usually become famous. Some of them think that this will make (56)_________ happy, but they sometimes find that they are (57)_________ for only a short time. When athletes become famous, reporters (记者) and fans watch them all the time and follow them (58)_________. The money and the excitement are great, (59)_________ the life of a professional athlete can be (60)_________.
IV. 句式转换 (Sentence pattern transformation) (共10小题, 计10分)
A) 根据上句完成下句,使两句意思基本相同,每空一词。
61. The door is too small. The tall man can't go through it.
The door is_________ small for the tall man _________ go through.
62. I don't like milk as much as tea.
I like tea _________ _________ milk.
63. Lily was born on July 7, so was Jim. _________ Lily and Jim _________ born on July 7.
64. Eating too much isn't good for your health._________ is _________ for your health to eat too much.
65. What do you want me to do?
What _________ you _________ me to do?
B) 按要求转换下列句型,每空一词。
66. The building near the Tea House is the People's Hospital. (对划线部分提问)
_________ _________ is the People's Hospital?
67. Uncle Wang does morning exercises every day. (改为否定句)
Uncle Wang _________ _________ morning exercises every day.
68. These girls are so beautiful. (改为感叹句)
_________ _________ these girls are!
69. We came here together. (完成反意疑问句)
We came here together,_________ _________?
70. Must I do it now? (否定回答)
No,_________ _________.
V. 翻译 (Translation)(共10小题,计10分)
A) 阅读下面短文,将文中划线的5处句子译成汉语。
(71)George Washington was the first president of the United States.(72) He was president for eight years. (73) Before becoming president, he was a general in the army. George Washington signed the Constitution of the United States. His birthdayis February 22.
Abraham Lincoln as president during the Civil War. (74) He worked hard to keep the country strong.(75)He made many important speeches. One was the Gettysburg Address. Another told about freeing the slaves.
B) 根据汉语及所提供的英语词语,写出各题的英语译文。
76. 今天的空气真清新,是个散步的好日子。(nice and clean)
77. “难道你通常不是步行来这儿吗?” “是的。” (on foot)
78. 你一定要当心!那条路很拥挤。(busy)
79. 我想那些男人不是英国人。(Englishmen)
80. 迈克是班里最高的学生。(taller)
VI. 智力测试 (Intelligence)(共5小题, 计5分)
81. There are two mistakes in this sentense. What are they?
82. It was a red letter day in the history(历史) of our school. What's the Chinese for“a red letter day”?
83. Yes or No? If the day before the day after the day before today was hotter than the day after the day before today, was the day before today hotter than today?
84. Six children, Ann, Bob, Chris, Dina, Ed and Fred, are sitting at a round table. Ann is two along from Dina, who is sitting next to Fred, on his left. Also two along from Dina sits Bob, next to whom is Chris. Ann exclaims (呼喊),“Super! I've got Chris on one side and Ed on the other.”

85. What's the missing word? Can you write the missing letters in the blank squares? Each three-letter
column is a word. The pictures will help you.

VII. 写作 (Writing) (共2小题,计 25分)
Dick: What's the matter, Bill? Why are you sitting on the ground?
It took Charlie months to get seven dollars. He wanted to buy a model plane and went to the shop with the money.
On the way, Charlie saw a little boy crying on a corner of the street. “Why are you crying?” Charlie asked.
“Three big boys took away my four dollars just now,” the boy said, “I was on my way to buy some exercise-books, but now I can't.”
要求: 1. 结局由你设想。
2. 意思连贯, 处理得当。

I. 1—5 ACCDB 6—10 ABBCA 11—15 DDCBC 16—20 BCBDB
II. A) 21—25 ACBDA B) 26—30 BAAAB
C) 31. It was very exciting. 32. Moon stones. 33. For months.
D) 34. happily, London 35. Real Madrid, the England football team 36. singer 37. the World Cup seven years
E) 38. J. Black & F. Wark. 39. $340. 40. Yes, it is.
III. A) 41. went 42. doesn't often come 43. is working 44. took 45. was 46. were 47. are you doing 48. am looking 49. aren't going to be / aren't 50. stop
B) 51. players 52. like 53. Others 54. can 55. than 56. them 57. famous 58. everywhere 59. but 60. difficult
IV. A) 61. too; to 62. better than 63. Both; were 64. It; bad 65. would; like
B) 66. Which building 67. doesn't do 68. How beautiful 69. didn't we 70. you needn't
V. A) 71. 乔治华盛顿是美国的第一任总统。72. 他当了八年的总统。73. 成为总统之前,他是军队里的将军。74. 他努力工作使国家强大。75. 他做了很多重要的演讲。
B) 76. The air today is nice and clean. It's a fine/nice day for a walk. 77. “Don't you usually come here on foot?” “No, I don't.” 78. You must be careful! That road is very busy. 79. I don't think those men are Englishmen. 80. Mike is taller than any other student in his class.
VI. 81. (1) sentense→sentence (2) There is only one mistake in the sentence. 82. 值得纪念的日子 83. Yes. 84. A. Chris B. Bob C. Fred D. Dina E. Ed 85. A. Y. S. E.
VII. 参考答案
A) Dick: What's the matter, Bill? Why are you sitting on the ground?
Bill: I fell off my bike and hurt my leg.
Dick: I'm sorry to hear that. Is there anything I can do for you?
Bill: Yes. Will you call my father?
Dick: Is he in his office or at home?
Bill: He's in his office. The telephone number is 5532466.
Dick: 5532466. I'll run to a public phone. Wait for me here.
Bill: You can ride my bike.
Dick: That's a good idea.
Bill: Don't ride too fast.
Dick: Don't worry. I won't.
B) Charlie looked at the boy and thought of the seven dollars in his pocket. Charlie wanted to walk away, but he did not do so. At last, he decided to give four dollars to the boy. The boy was very happy. He thanked Charlie and went away. Though there were only three dollars left, Charlie felt very happy because he helped another person.
第1个回答  2006-01-10

I. 听辨单词 (Words)


II. 句子理解 (Sentences)

6—10 ACBDC

III. 对话理解 (Dialogues)

A) 11—15 DCBDA B) 16—20 DDACA

IV. 短文理解 (Passages)

A) 21—25 CBADA B) 26—30 DADBC


I. 单项选择(Vocabulary and structure)

A) 31—35 CBDBA

B) 36—40 BDABC 41—45 CCDBC

C) 46—50 ADBBA

II. 阅读理解(Reading comprehension)

A) 51—55 DDBDB B) 56—60 BACBA

C) 61. There are six. 62. Group 1. 63. Eat foods from all groups. / Eat a well-balanced diet.

D) 64. cold 65. thick / heavy snow 66. stranger 67. school friends

E) 68. Repeat it over and over. 69. A person and a colour. 70. Ask him / her.

III. 完形填空(Cloze)

A) 71. will fall 72. were 73. began 74. did, eat 75. thinking 76. eat 77. Don't stop 78. telling 79. go 80. doesn't like

B) 81. started 82. broken 83. It 84. into 85. and 86. As 87. time 88. carefully 89. All 90. seemed

IV. 句式转换(Pattern transformation)

A) 91. Must, report 92. aren't, any 93. How often 94. When did 95. How far

B) 96. drove to 97. Turn, at 98. less than 99. It, bad 100. find, difficult

V. 翻译(Translation)

A) 101. (尽管)伦敦现在到处有警察,但是在1700年那里还根本没有警察。

102. 大约在300年前,伦敦(的区域)开始逐渐变大。

103. 人们不得不尽可能地呆在家里。

104. 他们中的大部分徒步工作,但是一少部分(警察)骑马/为骑警。

105. 给他们的报酬甚至比给其他警察的要高。

B) 106. They are going to a place called Maryland.

107. First, you should peel the potatoes and then cut them up.

108. I'm afraid the other kids will laugh at me because I don't understand.

109. The factory doesn't need so many workers any more.

110. The war didn't come to an end until 1972.

VI. 智力测试(IQ)

111. SLED

112. ① six ② two

113. R (The letter on the outside is positioned midway between its two adjacent letters on the inside, in the alphabet.)

114. Schoolgirls' Life, James and the Peach and Standard Dictionary.

115. Very happy.

VII. 写作(Writing)

A) One possible version:

M: May I help you?

W: Yes, I want to visit the zoo. Is it far from this hotel?

M: Yes. But you can get there easily by bus.

W: OK.

M: When you walk out of the hotel, cross the street and you will see a bus stop down the street to your right. Take Bus 64 from that stop. It just stops at the zoo.

W: That sounds easy. Thank you.

M: My pleasure.

B) One possible version:


He remembered he still had one hundred yuan. His mother gave the money to him to buy a new pair of shoes. He went to a shop and bought some cheap gloves with the money. The next morning, he saw a woman with no gloves. He opened his school bag and took out a pair. Then he put the gloves on her hands. The gloves were very cheap, but they were warm!

That day, Michael helped over ten people. He was very happy.


1.本题总分为: A) 10分; B) 15分。按四个档次给分。





1. 包括图示所有内容,可适当增加情节,使内容连贯。

2. 故事发展的重要情节即内容要点。

三、 各档次的给分范围和要求:

第四档(很好):A) 9—10分; B) 12—15分

完全完成了试题规定的要求,覆盖所有内容要点,符合英语表达习惯, 应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,没有语法和词汇错误,具备较强的语言运用能力,完全达到了预期的写作目的。

第三档(好):A) 6—8分; B) 9—11分

完成了试题规定的要求,应用的语法结构和词汇能满足题目的要求,符合英语表达习惯, 基本没有语法和词汇错误,达到了预期的写作目的。

第二档(一般):A) 4—5分; B) 5—8分


第一档(差):A) 1—3分; B) 1—4分







第2个回答  2006-01-04
I.Free Talk(5 points)
1.What time does your watch say?
2.Please tell us some traffic rules you know.
3.How do you go to school every day? How long does it take you to get to school?
4.What festival do you like best? Why?
5.If you have a question to ask your classmate Jim, how do you begin to talk with him?

II.Pronunciation(5 points) Read the words, phrases and sentence below.
1.beautiful 2.autumn 3.by the way 4.get together 5.It's a lovely day, isn't it?

III.Talking about the Picture(10 points) Look at the picture and say something about it.

IV.Reading Comprehension(10 points) Read the passage, then answer the following questions.
A school day in Britain starts at about 8:45 when the teacher must call the students'�
name. My friend Tracy is always late and the teacher gets very angry with her! Students learn about many different subjects. My favourite lessons are Maths and English. I'm quite good at German but I don't like French. I hate History and P.E.! Each class is about forty minutes. There are four classes in the morning, with a break after the first two. I have some chocolate in the break because I'm always hungry.The lunch break is at around 12 o'clock and lasts an hour. Most schools have a place where you can eat sandwiches or food. I often bring some sandwiches from home. After lunch, afternoon classes go on until about 4 o'clock.I always want to go to sleep after lunch! When school finishes,I walk home with my friends Anna and Tracy. Most school children in Britain have homework to do in the evenings. I hate homework—I'd rather watch TV!

1.When does a school day start?
(At about 8:45.)
2.What are the writer's favourite lessons?
(Maths and English.)
3.What does the writer have in the break?
(Some chocolate.)
4.How long is the lunch break?
(An hour.)
5.When do most school children in Britain do their homework?
(In the evenings.)

在网上找的,也不知是不是. 是吗?但愿如此.
