

执行任务宇航员   费俊龙,指令长   聂海胜,操作手   这是两位宇航员第一次进行太空任务飞行
第1个回答  2012-02-28
神舟六号载人飞船是中国“神舟”号系列飞船之一。“神舟六号”与“神舟五号”在外形上没有差别,仍为推进舱、返回舱、轨道舱的三舱结构,重量基本保持在8吨左右,用长征二号F型运载火箭进行发射。它是中国第二艘搭载太空人的飞船,也是中国第一艘执行“多人多天”任务的载人飞船。这也是世界上人类的第243次太空飞行 1999年11月20日~21日,中国载人航天工程第一艘“神舟”无人试验飞船飞行试验获得了圆满成功。2001年初至2002年底又相继研制并发射成功了神舟2~4号无人试验飞船,获得了宝贵的试验数据,为实施载人航天打下了坚实的基础。神舟-5飞船是在无人飞船基础上研制的我国第1艘载人飞船,乘有1名航天员,在轨运行1天。整个飞行期间为航天员提供必要的生活和工作条件,同时将航天员的生理数据、电视图像发送地面,并确保航天员安全返回。 Role in spacecraft
Manned spacecraft in general, including the provision of power for the spacecraft power and propulsion module support for the astronauts to provide safe and reliable environment to support the back of the cabin, in orbit for the astronauts working and living environment provided by the orbital module and provide a variety of scientific experiments additional paragraph to protect.
Manned spacecraft and space station for astronauts, scientists living and working space, so astronauts must provide security in space, working and living the life support system, and its satellite facilities and there is obviously different, with the exception of one flight subsystems, but also must include the environmental control system of biological protection and emergency rescue system. Manned spacecraft into satellite and manned spacecraft and manned spacecraft landing on the moon type.
第2个回答  2012-02-28
第3个回答  2012-02-27
第4个回答  2011-05-15
Role in spacecraft
Manned spacecraft in general, including the provision of power for the spacecraft power and propulsion module support for the astronauts to provide safe and reliable environment to support the back of the cabin, in orbit for the astronauts working and living environment provided by the orbital module and provide a variety of scientific experiments additional paragraph to protect.
Manned spacecraft and space station for astronauts, scientists living and working space, so astronauts must provide security in space, working and living the life support system, and its satellite facilities and there is obviously different, with the exception of one flight subsystems, but also must include the environmental control system of biological protection and emergency rescue system. Manned spacecraft into satellite and manned spacecraft and manned spacecraft landing on the moon type.