

1. Scarcely had I fallen asleep when my mother came in. (我刚入睡,妈妈就进来了。)
2. The gentlemen unfortunately took notice of Mike's name, which was written in many parts of the book. (不幸的是,那位绅士注意到了书上多处写着的Mike的名字。)
3. And as rain fell in the Ethiopian highlands and snows melted in the Mountains of the Moon, the river was everlastingly renewed. (当雨水浇灌埃塞俄比亚高原,以及月亮山的积雪融化时,河流得以永恒地更新。)
4. Driving southward from Cairo into the Nile Valley, I entered a landscape that owed little to the present era. (从开罗向南驶入尼罗河山谷,我进入了一个看似与当今时代关系不大的风景。)
5. Despite the great gains in industry, agriculture remained the nation's basic occupation. (尽管工业取得了巨大进步,农业依然是国家的基本职业。)