
Translation I:

自己动手女(do-it-herselfer或handywoman)指能将家中部分或全部维修、维护及修筑类工作自己动手搞定的女性。位于美国坦帕的美国家居修饰研究所( Tampa-based Home Improvement Research Institute )表示,女性在所有自制类购物者中所占的比例超过三分之一。越来越多的女性更愿意将周末休闲时光用在家庭装修项目上,而不是去购物或下厨。
Tranlslation II:


第1个回答  2014-06-11
Translation I:

The term "Do-it-herselfer" or "handywoman" refers to a woman who is capable of taking care of all household repair and maintenance or small construction work by herself. According to the Tampa-based Home Improvement Research Institute, an American-based home improvement research institute located in Tampa, Floria, more than 1/3 of the do-it-yourself product shoppers are women. There are more and more women willing to spend their weekends and leisure time on home improvement projects, rather than go shopping or cooking.

Tranlslation II:

While many internet users are getting more and more concerned about their personal privacy online, it is also a major challenge for e-commerce vendors. Therefore, to ensure security of personal privacy of online shoppers is more than a tactic to retain existing customers or to attract potential clients, more importantly, it helps to establish users' trust and confidence in using e-commerce, which is beneficial and vital for the future development of e-commerce.追答
