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一、 购销合作
1.1 甲乙双方就本协议项下的货物购销建立合作关系,本切议项下的货物为 服装、家私、电子 等产品,货物的产地为中国。根据乙方的境外客户资源和销售渠道,乙方委托甲方采购商品,双方以确认函的形式确认货物的基本内容(货物名称、数量、品质、型号等,甲方应在《确认函》 上加盖公章)。本协议是在有效期内为建立甲、乙双方间法律关系的总协议。

3.5 在被诉(或被反诉,包括仲裁)之情形下,无论甲方是否委托,乙方均有权自行决定是否应诉,但无论处理结果如何,法院判决或仲裁裁决(包括调解)所产生之法律结果,以及乙方所付之办案费用,均由甲方承担。
3.6 甲方应严格遵守国家的政策和法律法规,遵守乙方的业务操作规范。未经乙方书面授权,甲方不得以乙方名义为任何行为,也不得有可归责为乙方“表见代理”之行为。每笔业务开始前,甲方应向客户、工厂等有关单位揭示本委托关系,以使相关各方能充分区别本代理关系和甲方之个人行为。因违反本规定给乙方造成损失的,甲方应承担全部赔偿责任。

First, the purchase and sale of co-operation
1.1 Both parties to this Agreement, the purchase and sale of goods under a partnership, under the proposed cut of goods for the apparel, furniture, electronics and other products, goods of Chinese origin. According to B's overseas sales channels and customer resources, Party A Party B commissioned by the procurement of goods, both to confirm the form of letters to confirm the basic content of the goods (goods name, quantity, quality, type, etc., the Party should be in the "confirmation" on with official seal). The agreement is within the validity period for the establishment of A and B sides of the legal relationship between the total agreement.

3.5 the respondent (or counterclaim, including arbitration) of the cases, regardless of whether the commission Party, Party B is entitled to decide whether or not the respondent, but no matter how the results, court decision or arbitral award (including mediation) generated by the legal consequences, as well as the handling fee paid by Party B, borne by the Party.
3.6 Party A shall strictly abide by the policies and laws and regulations, to comply with B's business practices. Without the written authorization of B, Party B shall not name any act, nor shall there be attributable to Party B "Apparent" of behavior. Before the start of each business, the customer shall be Party, factories entrust the relevant units to reveal the relationship between the parties in order to fully distinguish the agency relationship and the Party of personal behavior. B for breach of this provision to the losses, Party A shall bear all liability
第1个回答  2011-12-05
In east river green space in the city feedingstuff industry.xichang became the role and now the green river side with the problems of the
第2个回答  2011-12-06
One, the purchase and sale of cooperation
1.1 the parties under this agreement the goods purchase and sale to establish relations of cooperation, the protocol of goods under clothing, furniture, electronics and other products, goods made in china. According to Party B's overseas customer resources and sales channels, Party B purchase goods, both to confirm the letter form confirm the basic content ( name of goods, quantity, quality, and other models, the party in the" confirmation" official seal ). This agreement is valid for the establishment of a, B and the legal relationship between the total agreement.
3.5 in the ( or counterclaim, including arbitration ) circumstances, regardless of Party A entrust, Party B has the right to decide for themselves whether or not to respond, but no matter how treatment outcomes, the judgment of the court or the arbitral award ( including mediation ) the legal results, and Party B paid the fee, are borne by the party.
3.6 Party A shall strictly abide by state policies and laws and regulations, abide by Party B's business practices. Without Party B's written authorization, Party A Party B shall not name any behavior, it may not have the responsibility of Party B to" agency by estoppel " behavior. Before the start of each business, Party A shall provide customers, factories and other relevant units to reveal the principal-agent relationship, so that the relevant parties can fully differentiated the agency relationship and a personal behavior. Due to violation of the provisions of any loss incurred to party, Party A shall bear all liability.
第3个回答  2011-12-05
1.1rwanshuevbgznmjgsehlpibdsvrbhfgtdabhdhgdfgsdfrgsrgsdfrkjmcezcvargvxdfdgrgdfgdrydfhdasqeqwrryiuyoopjfghsdfadasAXCXVCBVBMBHNMDFSDFGDGfrdsafssehfgheresgsdfedgsdfsedfsdfsefsdefsgeanjghujzsAasfkjwjgebcyskadawda3.5dajnhbtvbgfrcvwqaedaqndoszdejh/gsrfsdfehdhdtghtfghdfgdgtsfsef3.6fsdfsejzgtdbnehgmakfhenchdnakfnakwrfbawkdfbnsedhfed bgfetnrtgbdr